The Kazzie Memorial Fund
Donation protected

The Karen Curnow Women in Environment Protection and Litter Prevention Memorial Fund provides an award for women who are seeking to enhance their potential to achieve their environmental goals and effect change.
If you share Karen's vision about growing strong and clean communities, join us by donating and/or applying for a KAZZIE Award http://kazzieawards.com.au/#apply.
Together, we can create a lasting legacy in honour of Karen's vision.
The KAZZIE Award recognises women involved in environment protection and litter prevention. Karen, lost to us in June 2017, was a psychologist with a passion for assisting women to understand and encourage positive environmental behaviour and social action.
Karen understood litter prevention and environmental protection are essential to our sustainable future. Over her career, she met many people working to protect our environment. She understood these passionate guardians work quietly, without recognition or the resources to fulfil their dreams.

Funds raised are used to support up and coming women through an annual monetary award.
The Award is open to:
Women of any age who work or volunteer in litter prevention and environmental protection and have a passion to learn, contribute to and lead in the creation of a sustainable future.
The KAZZIE Award will be available for:
- Study in environmental and litter prevention/behaviour change principles, or better use of infrastructure and enforcement techniques
- Opportunities to mentor others
- Career development to become a leader and community champion
- Research and projects dealing with any aspect of litter or environmental protection
- Participation in or leadership of a project
Conditions of the KAZZIE Award:
Applicants will be women who work or volunteer in environmental protection or litter prevention.
Award Applicants http://kazzieawards.com.au/#apply
will need to:
Provide a maximum of a ½ page background resume together with 1 page of information about the proposed use of funds and details for 2 referees.
Amount of funding available:
The exact amount of funding available will be based upon the amount of money raised during our GoFundMe campaign and could be distributed to one or more recipients .
Application timeframes:
The 2018 applications will open Monday 20th of August and will close Monday 10th of September. More information can be found at the fund website which is open and ready for applications.
Award assessment panel:
Karen’s husband, Rob Curnow and other environmental champions from govenrment and non-government agencies in Australia and overseas will review applications and select recipients.
Announcement of the 2018 KAZZIE Award recipient/s will be made on 29 September 2018, at the College of Community Psychology stream of the Australian Psychological Society Congress.
Fletcher Curnow
Karingal, VIC