Miles For Melanoma
Tax deductible
Keith Davis, the Naffs (Diane, Jessie & Ryan), the Woods (Cindy, Mary & Elizabeth), and the Kroegers (Carol, Gretchen & Russell), all have been affected by the loss of a father, husband, or friend who has died from complications of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, and the 6th most common form of cancer in the United States. This year, they have decided to participate in the Hokie Half Marathon to raise funds for the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF). The mission of the MRF is to use education, research, and advocacy to change melanoma from being one of the most deadly cancers to one of the most treatable cancers. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 for the MRF. Any money raised through this site and our effort will go directly to the MRF in memory of Mike Naff, Keith Wood, and Barry Kroeger. To learn more about melanoma statistics, research, and prevention efforts or to donate directly to the Melanoma Research Foundation please visit https://www.melanoma.org . If you prefer, you may also write a check to MRF and give it to one of us to send on.
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Thank you for any support you are willing to give!
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Thank you for any support you are willing to give!
Keith Davis
Blacksburg, VA
Melanoma Research Foundation