Kelli's 200 Hour RYT- Yoga Training
I might be a bit too bold asking for $4000 so that I can chase my dreams of furthering my yoga education. I would not do it if I didn't plan to come back to my community to give the gift of yoga back to others there. I'm just a girl from Whitesburg, Kentucky which has a population just over 2,000. It's in Central Appalachia. Look us up. There are few yoga teachers in the region and even fewer opportunities for extended yoga certifications that one would hope to have before opening a yoga studio. My dream is to one day open a multi-disciplinary studio in my hometown, or somewhere I find a community who supports such an endeavor.
I have 2 options for receiving my 200-RYT. Because I have 3 children and travel will be required, I'm having to choose an immersion program as the prolonged programs just aren't feasible. The first option is
a once in a lifetime opportunity to study with the founder of BUTI Yoga - Bizzie Gold. The 12-Day immersion is in Kona, Hawaii.
I became BUTI certified in July 2017 in Nashville and the experience increased my passion for the practice that I was already passionate about as it spoke to my desire to help heal the universal sisterhood as much as I can with my life's work. As the mother of 3 daughters, I feel it is my responsibility to try. I experienced a place where body, mind, and spirit were celebrated free of competition or judgment. I think it is one of the only times I've experienced that environment among so many women. It was beautiful. The cost of that training is $2,500 which includes lodging and 2 meals a day. I'd need also airfare(a ticket to Hawaii in January), a little getting around money, and food money for the meals not covered. Possibly money to pay childcare.
If I don't raise $1,295 before this training is sold out, which it nearly is, I will take the money to apply to a training at Kripalu in Massachuetts which is in June 2018 and August 2018. It's also a 200 hour and is a total of 24 days on site. The tuition for this training is $2, 675 and I have to pay room and food extra which will at least be $946 more. Airfare and other transportation and possible paying childcare.
If I don't make enough to make it to the training, I will refund the money. I don't ask lightly. It's a huge responsibility to take someone's money for something that benefits you so greatly. I take this seriously. If this is my path, I will receive what I need to make it to one of these trainings. I trust. I appreciate each person who will help me get there. Much love. <3
~Sat Nam