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Listening to KLOI... on the air or streaming at Radio is free, right?
Well, not exactly. Advertising pays for commercial radio, so we don't have to. Then, there's non-commercial radio, NPR and other listener supported radio. People support it for various reasons, some so that they don't have to listen to ads, some because they like the feature shows, and some because their local station provides useful, often vital services.
KLOI, our local station falls into all three of those just mentioned.
KLOI is an all volunteer station; there are no paid employees. It is entirely operated based on donations. At the moment, KLOI is on the verge of shuttering its doors as licensing fees and operating expenses have exceeded our donations. We have been operating in the red for the past 3 years and are at a tipping point for our organization.
Our goal of $7500 will cover our licensing fees and a portion of our utilities.
Well, not exactly. Advertising pays for commercial radio, so we don't have to. Then, there's non-commercial radio, NPR and other listener supported radio. People support it for various reasons, some so that they don't have to listen to ads, some because they like the feature shows, and some because their local station provides useful, often vital services.
KLOI, our local station falls into all three of those just mentioned.
KLOI is an all volunteer station; there are no paid employees. It is entirely operated based on donations. At the moment, KLOI is on the verge of shuttering its doors as licensing fees and operating expenses have exceeded our donations. We have been operating in the red for the past 3 years and are at a tipping point for our organization.
Our goal of $7500 will cover our licensing fees and a portion of our utilities.
Kathy Booth
Lopez Island, WA
Gathering of Island Voices and Expression (GIVE) dba KLOI