K-Pop Dance Off Against Cancer
For a year now there has been a war between two podcasts. Mel from The 6th Ring and Darren from Troll5R have both declared they are the best. But, how can that truly be determined?
Both are avid K-Pop Fans so, obviously Mel challenged Darren to a K-Pop Dance Off to determine who the best Podcast was (since a podcasters ability is obviously all in their dancing skills).
However, we can't have a simple K-Pop Dance off when one of our friends is in need. Darren and Mel both play Game of Thrones as well as L5R. And recently, Jesse Carpenter, a good friend of ours and a well-known member of the Game of Thrones community was diagnosed with cancer. Jesse travels all over to play this game and we wanted to figure out a way to help.
So, if you want to see this K-Pop Dance off happen donate to this campaign!
If we hit the goal of $500 we will have our K-Pop dance off at the FFG 2018 World Championships for L5R and A Game of Thrones! So, L5R fan and Game of Thrones fans come together and lets make this happen and help a friend!
100% of the proceeds of this campaign will be donated to the Jesse Carpenter Fund and help support Jesse during his fight against Cancer!