Earth Eden Education Project
Donation protected
I want to reconnect people with their source of food.
Why? Because food is the most fundamental
connection to Nature. And this connection is
absolutely vital to the health and continuity of the
entire planetary life cycle.
First, all I can say is, Thank God for the Internet. Because with that I can reach so many people, like you for example.- Someone interested enough to continue reading and perhaps even be inspired to contribute to this great cause. - Great because we're talking about nothing short of saving the world. I know. Sounds crazy, but when enough people come together for positive change, and there are millions of groups doing that all around the planet now, miracles happen. And humanity and the planet really need one right now. It's big and scary and creative and filled with joy and possibilities and no one person can do it alone. It's up to us. ~Which is why I'm here offering my proposal so that all of us together can take a part in helping restore something beautiful and absolutely essential to life. Please read on...
Project purpose and reason:
I want to reconnect people with their source of food.
Why? Because this connection is vital to the to the
continuity of the entire planetary life cycle. When
it breaks down, the whole web of life begins to
unravel. If we realize we're relying on that web to
support us, then it suddenly becomes very important
to attend to it. But in our busy modern lives,
we've forgotten to do that.
~This project will help us re-connect.
Today, if we look, we will notice undeniable
evidence of that unraveling. Human beings have
actually changed the conditions for life on the
planet. The human/nature relationship is so weak,
we must do everything possible to restore it or life as
we know it will cease. Simply put, our modern culture
has forgotten its place in the web of life. The brilliant
and subtle agreement under which all beings exist as
service to the well-being of the larger body of life has
been crowded out of human consciousness.
It's time to reconnect with the real life web,
reclaim our responsibility to the rest of the system
and make some changes, fast.
So if you're like me and love life too much to stand by
and watch Earth's diverse beauty and brilliance
disappear, you'll do what you can to ensure we
sustain life and that our relationships with it continue.
We all want to leave our children a better world, one
that stretches their hearts and imaginations
and fills with them with awe and gratitude and makes
their spirits sing to be a part of it. It's all about
connection, reestablishing relationships, and
expanding consciousness through relationship with
Love is the most powerful and creative
force in the Universe. This project aligns with
that great love for life.
So here is my intention and action plan:
~This project first connects with children and
parents at home and students and teachers in the
classroom via the Internet with short, fun,
imaginative and informative live recorded videos of
daily life on the farm as seen through my eyes. I'll
share the wonder and excitement of discovering
the many fascinating creatures that live here, their
place and purpose in the ecosystem, and the joy
of relating with that larger life community. -
(narrated by me, the endlessly creative, energetic and irrationally exuberant gardener )
~This project will also offer live farm visits to allow
first-hand experience with life here, to get to
know the wild creatures playing vital roles in the
ecosystem, and to gain practical knowledge through
hands-on activities including digging in the dirt,
planting seeds, tending, harvesting and tasting
delicious, freshly-picked garden vegetables. It
extends to guided explorations of the woods and
stream, affording encounters with animal and plant
species in their unique but related ecosystems.
These personal experiences deepen our
understanding and appreciation for being part of the
larger web of life, and inspire us to purpose as
Earth stewards .
When we move back into healthy relationship with
Nature, we restore humanity and the planet.
Your financial contribution to the Earth Eden
Education project shows your support for a
healthy and sustainable future for our children.
Contributor levels and acknowledgments:
~ All contributors receive acknowledgement for their support on our website and a deep sense of fulfillment for supporting a healthy human/nature relationship.
~Groundbreaker contributor- $25.00 - receives our gratitude and a place on our website's (in the works) list of supporters
~Grassroots contributor- $50.00 - earns the above and a place and planting in our beneficials garden in your honor.
~Cultivating contributor - $100.00 - earns a quart of fresh-picked organic berries or a dozen free-range eggs.- (pick-up only) Or a perennial planting here in your honor with embossed metal nametag.
~Abundance contributor- $250.00 - earns a garden bed named in your honor.
~ Sustainer contributor- $500.00 - earns your name, hand-carved in a wooden corner-post of the outdoor classroom shelter, personal tour and a picnic lunch on the farm. (transportation not included)
~ Life-web contributor - $1,000.00 - earns your name, hand-carved on a head-post of the outdoor classroom shelter, a freshly-harvested, seasonal dinner for two and live entertainment from our spectacular chicken cabaret. (We'll make it happen. : ))
What your contributions will help finance:
outdoor classroom shelter
Go-pro video camera
small garden handtools
backpack sprayer
seed starter mix
seedling trays
soil amenities
organic pest control
row cover
drip line
tractor maintenance
additional liability insurance
What I offer:
I live on 19 acres of amazingly diverse and healthy land restored to vibrancy after suffering a sad history of poor farming practices and use as a dumping ground. It took 12 years and a lot of hard work to clear away the decades of trash and debris, to restore soil health and plant hundreds of trees, shrubs and beautiful organic gardens to feed wildlife and humans, and to construct the small house, barn and passive solar greenhouse out of reclaimed materials. It has been a joy to witness the resilience and abundance of life thriving in this little oasis of diversity, this Earth Eden, and now I want to share this world of hope and possibilities with others.
My bio in brief:
I am an artist by nature, a farmer by choice, a mom and ordained minister by calling, and a dedicated earth-care activist in purpose. For the last 25 years I've been practicing and teaching organic gardening, sustainable living and earth stewardship and been deeply engaged in environmental issues affecting the health of this region dominated by industrialized agriculture. I've led presentations for schools and public service organizations to raise awareness of the impacts of human behavior on the health of planetary ecosystems. I've taught classes on organic gardening, sustainable living, vegetarian lifestyle, water quality, and spearheaded the movement to pass legislation prohibiting hydrofracking in three local towns. I am also a volunteer facilitator for the Pachamama Alliance’s Awakening the Dreamer-Changing the Dream Symposiums.
I've built my life around honoring the natural world, creating beauty, advancing social and environmental justice, and helping educate kids and adults about Earth stewardship. What I discovered through my developing relationship with life here was a deeply satisfying sense of responsibility and purpose. My immense joy and gratitude for the blessings of witnessing the beauty, wisdom and perfection in Nature have inspired a profound sense of awe, respect and appreciation for the elegant intricacies of interdependent systems in the greater web of life. It has truly transformed my awareness of who I am in relationship with the world and in service to some larger, mysterious and sacred process...
More info:
I live in a rural agricultural district where tens of thousands of acres of natural diversity have become industrialized monocultures. Soil, plant and animal health has been severely impacted by the production of chemical-reliant crops. This is a world where farmers climb into haz-mat suits to sit in closed-cab tractors to spray toxic chemicals on crops meant for human consumption. There are hazardous chemical signs posted around orchards. Those are not healthy places for humans or animals to be.
The increasing number of children suffering from physical, cognitive and emotional issues may be directly linked to their environment. Kids aren’t encouraged to go outside to explore the great outdoors anymore, if there is any, or to venture into nature to exercise their bodies and minds, their curiosity and imagination. Parents don’t have the time, knowledge, experience or inclination to guide them there. Something very important is being lost.
Most people today don’t have a clear understanding of where or how their food is sourced. So much of the food we eat comes from great distances, is processed, wrapped in plastic or Styrofoam and shipped to grocery stores or fast food restaurants and delivered to us for our convenience. There’s no sense of the process involved. There’s a real disconnect. People have fallen out of the loop. I want to reconnect the people with their food and the land and re-weave the broken strands of the Web of Life.
Why? Because food is the most fundamental
connection to Nature. And this connection is
absolutely vital to the health and continuity of the
entire planetary life cycle.
First, all I can say is, Thank God for the Internet. Because with that I can reach so many people, like you for example.- Someone interested enough to continue reading and perhaps even be inspired to contribute to this great cause. - Great because we're talking about nothing short of saving the world. I know. Sounds crazy, but when enough people come together for positive change, and there are millions of groups doing that all around the planet now, miracles happen. And humanity and the planet really need one right now. It's big and scary and creative and filled with joy and possibilities and no one person can do it alone. It's up to us. ~Which is why I'm here offering my proposal so that all of us together can take a part in helping restore something beautiful and absolutely essential to life. Please read on...
Project purpose and reason:
I want to reconnect people with their source of food.
Why? Because this connection is vital to the to the
continuity of the entire planetary life cycle. When
it breaks down, the whole web of life begins to
unravel. If we realize we're relying on that web to
support us, then it suddenly becomes very important
to attend to it. But in our busy modern lives,
we've forgotten to do that.
~This project will help us re-connect.
Today, if we look, we will notice undeniable
evidence of that unraveling. Human beings have
actually changed the conditions for life on the
planet. The human/nature relationship is so weak,
we must do everything possible to restore it or life as
we know it will cease. Simply put, our modern culture
has forgotten its place in the web of life. The brilliant
and subtle agreement under which all beings exist as
service to the well-being of the larger body of life has
been crowded out of human consciousness.
It's time to reconnect with the real life web,
reclaim our responsibility to the rest of the system
and make some changes, fast.
So if you're like me and love life too much to stand by
and watch Earth's diverse beauty and brilliance
disappear, you'll do what you can to ensure we
sustain life and that our relationships with it continue.
We all want to leave our children a better world, one
that stretches their hearts and imaginations
and fills with them with awe and gratitude and makes
their spirits sing to be a part of it. It's all about
connection, reestablishing relationships, and
expanding consciousness through relationship with
Love is the most powerful and creative
force in the Universe. This project aligns with
that great love for life.
So here is my intention and action plan:
~This project first connects with children and
parents at home and students and teachers in the
classroom via the Internet with short, fun,
imaginative and informative live recorded videos of
daily life on the farm as seen through my eyes. I'll
share the wonder and excitement of discovering
the many fascinating creatures that live here, their
place and purpose in the ecosystem, and the joy
of relating with that larger life community. -
(narrated by me, the endlessly creative, energetic and irrationally exuberant gardener )
~This project will also offer live farm visits to allow
first-hand experience with life here, to get to
know the wild creatures playing vital roles in the
ecosystem, and to gain practical knowledge through
hands-on activities including digging in the dirt,
planting seeds, tending, harvesting and tasting
delicious, freshly-picked garden vegetables. It
extends to guided explorations of the woods and
stream, affording encounters with animal and plant
species in their unique but related ecosystems.
These personal experiences deepen our
understanding and appreciation for being part of the
larger web of life, and inspire us to purpose as
Earth stewards .
When we move back into healthy relationship with
Nature, we restore humanity and the planet.
Your financial contribution to the Earth Eden
Education project shows your support for a
healthy and sustainable future for our children.
Contributor levels and acknowledgments:
~ All contributors receive acknowledgement for their support on our website and a deep sense of fulfillment for supporting a healthy human/nature relationship.
~Groundbreaker contributor- $25.00 - receives our gratitude and a place on our website's (in the works) list of supporters
~Grassroots contributor- $50.00 - earns the above and a place and planting in our beneficials garden in your honor.
~Cultivating contributor - $100.00 - earns a quart of fresh-picked organic berries or a dozen free-range eggs.- (pick-up only) Or a perennial planting here in your honor with embossed metal nametag.
~Abundance contributor- $250.00 - earns a garden bed named in your honor.
~ Sustainer contributor- $500.00 - earns your name, hand-carved in a wooden corner-post of the outdoor classroom shelter, personal tour and a picnic lunch on the farm. (transportation not included)
~ Life-web contributor - $1,000.00 - earns your name, hand-carved on a head-post of the outdoor classroom shelter, a freshly-harvested, seasonal dinner for two and live entertainment from our spectacular chicken cabaret. (We'll make it happen. : ))
What your contributions will help finance:
outdoor classroom shelter
Go-pro video camera
small garden handtools
backpack sprayer
seed starter mix
seedling trays
soil amenities
organic pest control
row cover
drip line
tractor maintenance
additional liability insurance
What I offer:
I live on 19 acres of amazingly diverse and healthy land restored to vibrancy after suffering a sad history of poor farming practices and use as a dumping ground. It took 12 years and a lot of hard work to clear away the decades of trash and debris, to restore soil health and plant hundreds of trees, shrubs and beautiful organic gardens to feed wildlife and humans, and to construct the small house, barn and passive solar greenhouse out of reclaimed materials. It has been a joy to witness the resilience and abundance of life thriving in this little oasis of diversity, this Earth Eden, and now I want to share this world of hope and possibilities with others.
My bio in brief:
I am an artist by nature, a farmer by choice, a mom and ordained minister by calling, and a dedicated earth-care activist in purpose. For the last 25 years I've been practicing and teaching organic gardening, sustainable living and earth stewardship and been deeply engaged in environmental issues affecting the health of this region dominated by industrialized agriculture. I've led presentations for schools and public service organizations to raise awareness of the impacts of human behavior on the health of planetary ecosystems. I've taught classes on organic gardening, sustainable living, vegetarian lifestyle, water quality, and spearheaded the movement to pass legislation prohibiting hydrofracking in three local towns. I am also a volunteer facilitator for the Pachamama Alliance’s Awakening the Dreamer-Changing the Dream Symposiums.
I've built my life around honoring the natural world, creating beauty, advancing social and environmental justice, and helping educate kids and adults about Earth stewardship. What I discovered through my developing relationship with life here was a deeply satisfying sense of responsibility and purpose. My immense joy and gratitude for the blessings of witnessing the beauty, wisdom and perfection in Nature have inspired a profound sense of awe, respect and appreciation for the elegant intricacies of interdependent systems in the greater web of life. It has truly transformed my awareness of who I am in relationship with the world and in service to some larger, mysterious and sacred process...
More info:
I live in a rural agricultural district where tens of thousands of acres of natural diversity have become industrialized monocultures. Soil, plant and animal health has been severely impacted by the production of chemical-reliant crops. This is a world where farmers climb into haz-mat suits to sit in closed-cab tractors to spray toxic chemicals on crops meant for human consumption. There are hazardous chemical signs posted around orchards. Those are not healthy places for humans or animals to be.
The increasing number of children suffering from physical, cognitive and emotional issues may be directly linked to their environment. Kids aren’t encouraged to go outside to explore the great outdoors anymore, if there is any, or to venture into nature to exercise their bodies and minds, their curiosity and imagination. Parents don’t have the time, knowledge, experience or inclination to guide them there. Something very important is being lost.
Most people today don’t have a clear understanding of where or how their food is sourced. So much of the food we eat comes from great distances, is processed, wrapped in plastic or Styrofoam and shipped to grocery stores or fast food restaurants and delivered to us for our convenience. There’s no sense of the process involved. There’s a real disconnect. People have fallen out of the loop. I want to reconnect the people with their food and the land and re-weave the broken strands of the Web of Life.
Nancy Kasper
North Rose, NY