Latisha (Coco) Williams, Kimball HS
Latisha was a bright and beautiful young lady. She was an honor roll student and Majorette with plans of attending Prairie View A&M in the Fall. Recently, she became sick with a respiratory illness and was taken to the ER by her mother for treatment. While there she was given an injection of antibiotics and a prescription for a standard cough medicine. She went home that night and went to sleep with no problems other than the respiratory illness that she had. The next morning when her mother woke her, she had the speaking ability of a two year old, and was having difficulty walking. She immediately rushed her to Children's Medical Center of Dallas. After a few days of tests and diagnositics, they were unable to determine what had actually happened to Latisha. She was diagnosed with functional neurological symptom disorder. This diagnosis was based only on her symptoms because all tests and diagnostics were negative. At this point, there is no known treatment for this because they aren't sure what causes it. All of the literature says that the symptoms may pass but no one knows how long it will take. It could pass in a few weeks, a few months, or it may never resolve. In order to improve her chances of recovery, she will have to see neurologists, psychologists, and physiotherapists until her symptoms resolve. Her mother does have insurance that will help with the expenses but she will still have deductibles and co-pays. Latisha is also going to need around the clock attention. At this point, her mother can't afford to be off because she has to work to continue to provide for her and her siblings. She is having to depend on friends and family to help with her but we all know that the desire and ability for them to help may soon fade. The hope is that we can raise enough money for her to be able to take FMLA to be there for Latisha without losing everything that she has. I can't imagine how this feels. I look at my children everyday and thank God for their health, knowing that this could just as easily have been one of mine. Please help me to help her. Anyone who knows me knows my heart. Every penny that is received will go to her mother. If this was your baby, what would you do?