Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Lavender Sound Fundraiser!

Spende geschützt

Since my very first gig I have: 

-Performed before Shawn Mullins as a Winner of the Macon Octoberfest 2013 
-Played hundreds of shows in the SouthEast! 
-Had my song featured for a local Super Bowl campaign! 
-Been featured on the website HelloGiggles! 
-Been featured on Georgia Public Broadcasting's Music Voyager
-Worked with talented teens at the Otis Redding Foundation Summer Camp
-Shared the Stage with Robert McDuffie, Chuck Leavell, and Jimmy Hall at Macon Pops! 


I've never released a full length album....

In 2016, this is my ONLY New Year's Resolution. 

Why should you donate???
-You love me ;) <3 
-You love my music and want to hear more!!! 
-You want to support a Macon, GA born and bred project and artist! 
-You are a lover of arts, music, and creativity and want to be a patron! 

I LOVE my listeners and will give back ALL of the rewards below! Thank you so much for being here and following me on this crazy journey!!! 



Louise Warren
Macon, GA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt