Law School Graduation Blow-Out
At 51 years old I started law school. Graduation on May 6, 2017, will mark a milestone in my journey to become a lawyer. I want to share this event with my friends. If you donate a little money, we can have a rockin' good time at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Knoxville, TN to commemorate this event not only for me but my also my law school colleagues.
I am the oldest member of my class and do not have family nearby, so this will be my celebration of this significant next step in my life. I made Dean's List, president of the Federalist Society, Chief Justice of the Student Bar Association, and a CALI award, as well as having secured an internship at the District Attorney's office.
Even if you don't attend, $5 or $10 will be a tremendous help. This is a major milestone for me and I would like for you to be a part of it.
The old saying is that the commencement exercise is not an end but a beginning. For law school, graduation is truly not an end, it is the beginning of the long hot summer of slogging through Bar Review to prepare for the REAL end of the formal legal education. Thus, I have adjusted by goals and am now looking for $700+ to fete my colleagues at a local restaurant or entertainment venue after we take the July Bar Exam.
The immediate post-graduation period is for celebrating with family. Post-Bar is for celebrating with your colleagues.