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Let's help the Ratliffs

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No one can ever be truly prepared when losing a loved one, but having constant love and support from friends and family makes it that much easier with each passing day. It has been incredibly overwhelming for  our dear friend Michael James Ratliff and his family recently. He has had to endure the sudden death of his father Lonnie Ratliff II in a fatal car accident, which was caused by a sudden heart attack while driving home with his wife Sunday night. Tragic events didn’t cease, while the same accident led Michael’s mom to be on life support in the ICU. I’m glad to share that thanks to everyone’s prayers, Mrs. Ratliff is now on the road to recovery and officially off life support.

These unpredictable events also brought along with them unpredictable costs. We are sincerely asking you all to help the Ratliff family in anyway you can. Any donations will assist Mike and his family with funeral expenses for Mr. Ratliff and hope that it will lessen the burden for Mrs. Ratliff so that she can continue to fight her way through the ICU and to a speedy recovery.

Thank you again for all of your love and support. Funeral arrangement for Mr. Ratliff will be shared in the coming days.


  • Candice Elder
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kiran Sekhon
Oakland, CA
Michael James Ratliff

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