Let's Go Fishing!
Our mission is to develop mentoring and fishing opportunities for youth in and surrounding the Greater Pittsburgh area. Funds will be used to transport youth to the fishing events, stock lakes with various type of fish, and sponsor learn to fish events at local community lakes.
We have also added 26 PA Certified Fishing Skills Training volunteers. More volunteers to mentor and train our youth to be S.M.A.R.T. anglers.
Several events have been scheduled for the "Let's Go Fishing!" program in 2018. The 1st will be May 5, 2018 at the Conway Sportmens Club in Evans City, PA. This is the 21st year for the event and it has grown to serve and average of 200 at-risk youth in the last few years. The thrill of watching a boy/girl catch a fish for the 1st time is an experience words can't explain. This experience is shared by the youth and everyone that witness this seemingly lifetime miracle.
Our goal is to expand this opportunity to even more youth by offering four or five additional events per year. The funds will be used immediately to pay for school bus rentals and fish stocking prior to each event.
There are also several city parks that we are seeking the ability to sponsor free weekly fishing opportunities to youth 5 to 15 years of age. We will provide fishing rods, bait and PA Fish and Boat Commission certified instructors to support this effort.
We have volunteers aligned to help (see YouTube vdeo) promote this opportunity for our communities. The TribLive article has also provided the city-wide exposure for this effort. URL link ==> http://triblive.com/local/pennhills/11297816-74/fishing-simon-inner
The Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, PA holds the 501(c) adminstrative process for the Pancakes and Jesus organization that sponsors this "Let's Go Fishing!" program. All donations are received by the Eastminster Presbyterian Church with a footnote/memo of "Let's Go Fishing" to account for all funding.
Planned use of funds received to boost the current volunteering efforts by the Conway Sportsmen Club members:
1) Transportation for youth to 5 fishing events @ $300 for a total of $1,500
2) Fish Stocking for 5 events @ $1500 for a total of $7,500
3) Any additional funds will be used to sponsor additional fishing event, casting and other fishing techniques. There are two other local community lakes that could also use youth fishing program. More to come on the future of these lakes in 2019.
Link to photographs from previous events can be located on the Pancakes and Jesus Facebook page ==> https://www.facebook.com/pg/pancakesandjesus/photos/?ref=page_internal