Lifting Lives through Literacy
Donation protected

The greatest way to fight poverty in any developing country is through education. This GoFundMe campaign focuses it's attention on the country of Liberia in West Africa that has a particular connection to the United States: it was founded by freed slaves prior to the civil war in the early 1800s (known as Americo-Liberians). It’s Constitution, Flag and Pledge of Allegiance are all based on those of the United States. Unfortunately over time conflict developed between the various indigenous ethnic groups and the Americo-Liberians. There was a coup in 1980, and a series of conflicts lasting from 1989 to 2003.
Before the war, Liberia had significant infrastructure. For example, it had a hydroelectric dam that provided electricity not only to Liberia, but also a large part of West Africa. The conflict caused much damage not only to the hydro-electric dam, but also much of the infrastructure and many institutions. Today, most of the country has no electricity or running water. Particularly concerning was the damage to the education system - leaving an entire generation without basic, primary education.
Those problems lead to the need for schools like the one on Peace Island and at the Group of 77.
The Schools*
Group of 77

The Group of 77 was established in 1977, by a group of religious women, primarily to address to the educational needs of persons with disabilities. Before the establishment of the Group of 77, people with disabilities were often marginalized and forced to "beg" on the streets to support themselves because they lacked any formal training or education. In addition, the Group of 77 supports those individuals in accessing other welfare programs thus, helping them to become more self sufficient and to become part of mainstream society.
What the Group of 77 has accomplished so far with the help of generous donations:
Initially, the Group of 77 was in need of medical supplies, such as crutches, canes, and wheelchairs. Once those needs were met, the members asked for teachers so they could learn to read, write and do basic math to improve their self-sufficiency!
That is why a group of concerned US citizens became involved with the Group of 77 in 2012. They wanted to raise funds to cover the cost of teachers and school supplies that had prohibited the members from securing a much-needed education up until that time. In late 2012, the project obtained funding for those supplies and a teacher. The funds were then matched by the Liberian government and a second teacher was added.
In 2013, notebook computers were donated, which provided the students with their first opportunity to access computer technology and the online world. Those notebooks changed the lives of those students, and you can help change more lives by helping to fund the Group of 77's current needs.
Current Statistics about The Group of 77:
The Group of 77 now provides services for 26 disabled adults. Since 2013, when the school received the generous donation of computer notebooks so much has changed.
>20 students can now read sentences and perform basic math skills that couldn't read or perform those skills before they had access to the notebook computers.
>26 students can now read and write their own name,
who were not able to write or read their own names before 2013.
>26 students now have internet connection and are able to communicate with the world, changing their entire lives!
All of those statistics clearly illustrate how very small donations can make an enormous difference in those students lives.
Here's what they need now: Total: $5,800
Level I:Math and English Text Books: $100
Level II: Math, English, Social Studies Books: $110
Level III:Math, Science and English Books: $150
Internet Service $200
Digital Camera $200
Teacher Salaries $5,040
We've made so much progress. Please help the GR 77 continue it's work!
Peace Island Project/School

One couple, the Shippers, who witnessed the conditions that those children were living in, decided to make it their responsibility to look out for and provide for many of the children on Peace Island.
Arthur Shipper , a teacher by training but pastor by trade, and Felicia, who prepares and sells charcoal for a living, began inviting neighborhood kids into their home for music, art, fellowship and learning. As this group grew to well over 50 children, it was clear they needed a bigger, more permanent space.
Moreover, they wanted to provide these children an opportunity for real eduction. Thus, the Peace Island School Project began.
Initial funds purchased the building materials for the school. The Shippers, the Children, and other community members were actively involved in the school building project - literally digging the dirt and molding the bricks to built the school. The basic structure was built and classes started in earnest in Spring of 2013.
Now with the basic structure in place, the Peace Island School Project needs additional funds to complete the building, as detailed below. And now that the number of interested students has increased, they need additional supplies for the school, including textbooks, school uniforms (t-shirts), as well as funding for more teachers.
Here's what they need NOW: The school has grown and would love to house the additional children in a new building.
An extension /annex for additional classes up to grade twelve, library, science laboratory, computer laboratory, offices, cafeteria, etc.
I. The School- Annex: Additional offices and classrooms including a library, science and computer laboratory and a cafeteria.
Library, science laboratory and computer laboratory
Repair of Broken Desks: $250
New Desks (10 Pieces) $500
Portable Generator $350
Paints (5 buckets) $ 300
Subtotal: $1,400
II. Supplies-
Chalks (2 cartons) $100
Rim of Sheets (15 Cartons) $400
Printer’s inks (10 Cartridges) $600
Ink pens (25 Packs) $125
Markers (15 Packs) $75
Text Books $1550
First Aid $500
Subtotal: $3,400
III. Students-
School Fees $225 X 85= $19,125
Uniforms $225 X 35 =$7,875
Note Books (10 Cartons) X $35 $350
Back Packs ($225 X 20) $4,500
Feeding (at least one meal per day) $150
Play toys $500
Sports (footballs, 2 sets of jersey, etc.) $200
Subtotal: $2,850
IV. Teachers/Staffs Salary
Principal: $150 X 10 months $1,500
Vice Principal: $100 X 10 months $1,000
Accountant: $90 X 10 months $900
Registrar: $85 X 10 months $850
Janitor : (3 persons) X $50 150 X 10 months $1,500
Teachers (Kindergarten) 3 X $60 =$180 X 10 months $5,250
Teacher (Elementary) 7 X $75 USD = $525 X 10 months $5,259
Teacher (Junior) 5 X $85 = $425 x 10 months $4, 250
Subtotal : $16,75
Grand Total: $24,400
We thank you for your donations and remember that our children are tomorrow’s leaders who need to be equipped today.
Disclaimer and notice: The funds for the above-listed Liberian schools are being raised by individuals, and not by a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization; therefore there is no tax deduction for any contributions you may make. Though supported by various recognized charitable and governmental organizations, neither is in itself a charitable organization recognized by US law. The funds raised through this GoFundMe campaign will be sent directly to the school contacts listed below:
Peace Island School Project
Arthur and Felicia Shipper
[email redacted]

Group of 77 School Project
Pearson Zehdee
[email redacted]

Organizer and beneficiary
Carolyn Kates
La Jolla, CA
Michelle Lerach