Little Tulip: a new book of comfort
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Consider this page the official PRE ORDER for the first of 'comfort' books. {Books should be ready to ship late July }
I have an ongoing series of "comfort books" I will be producing! I'm really excited about this. These will be illustrated books with an overall goal of bringing the recipient comfort and a smile of course. I will be producing these in smaller quantities versus lage print runs like my illustrated memoirs. When they sell out, that's it, they will not be reprinted. By making smaller printings, I will make less money in the long run, but will be able to produce these sweet offerings once or twice a year.
The book: The first in the comfort book series is called, "Little Tulip" {It Will Be Okay}. It is 6 x 9" hardcover book, 56 pages, fully illustrated. The illustrations are emotive, simple and in black ink. There are also some color pieces.
Inspiration: I was inspired to make this story come to life for several reasons. How many times in life are we faced with something-be it loss, fear, a challenge, a change-and we just want to know it will be okay? How comforting is it to hear someone we love say, "It will be okay."?
No matter how old we are, we want it to be okay. No matter what creature we are, we want it to be okay.
In the book, an elder woman wants to get another dog for company. She hears all the reasons from others why she should not get a dog at her age. Even the shelter won't let her adopt one. Meanwhile, Dorthea the dachshund has a litter of pups and the little runt yearns for a home.
It's the story of many people who age and find themselves faced with others wanting to 'detract' from them.
It's a story about the flow of life.
It's about the simple things that make a life worth living.
It's about conversing with those that are gone in a new language.
I hope you will keep it by your bedside when you need to know, "It will be okay."

Katherine Dunn
Bremen, ME