Live In Love
“Hi I’m Amanda...and I’m Michael...and together we are In Love”
All People Benefit from the Live In Love Campaign
Do feel like the world has gone crazy? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the chaos of it all? Have you lost hope in humanity? Do you question your own? We are constantly bombarded with negative media that makes us believe the world is hopeless and we are not good enough. The result is we live in lack instead of Live In Love. What if you and the rest of world could be different? Our band In Love believes music is the universal language of the heart and our music speaks to the innate human potential to create a world of love, joy, freedom, prosperity and unity. With you, we create a stage for endangered cultures to live on in the mainstream by integrating traditional music and dance from countries around the world. Together, we inspire future generations to create a new world heritage of compassionate caring, cultural diversity and environmental sustainability.
Our Mission
We create music, media, and performances to inspire all people with the transformational power of love.
What the Live In Love Campaign Creates
The Live In Love movement has already begun and expands with the release of our debut album With You, music videos aligned with our mission, theatrical live performances, and unique collaborations with traditional artists from around the world (think western music meets world music).
Because you believe in us and our mission , your support helps to create...
1. The release of our debut album With You - $5,000 - 100% FUNDED AND "WITH YOU" ALBUM RELEASE SET FOR FEBRUARY 14, 2020
2. The music video for our first single "In This Now", a collaboration with traditional Indonesian Gamelan instruments - $350 - 100% FUNDED
3. The music video for our second single "Rainbows" - $500 - 100% FUNDED
4. The music video for our third single "Animals" - $500
5. The music video for our fourth single "Heart Dance" - $500
6. The music video for our fifth single "With You" - $500
7. Marketing and promotions for the release of our debut album, 5 singles, 5 music videos, and live performances - $1,538
Total campaign funds to complete all projects listed above: $8,888
Why Support the Live In Love Campaign?
Currently we live in Indonesia where we professionally produce high quality songs, music videos and merchandise for a fraction of the price compared to the United States where we are from. Also, we support local Indonesian artisans and independent crafts people through social entrepreneurship to produce merchandise and performance costumes. When you donate to our campaign, you become part of our movement to share and value the voice of love. You create the stage for our band In Love to collaborate with indigenous, traditional, and modern cultures from around the world through music, dance, and artistry. Together, we co-create a world of cultural diversity where the voices of the few are heard by many.
Social media, music streaming and YouTube provide the largest population of listeners for our message of love to reach the world. Indonesia ranks as the 3rd highest user of social media in the world (Digitalmarketinginstitute.com; January 2018), providing a huge opportunity to grow our online community. Streaming in general now accounts for 75% of music revenue (Theverge.com; September 2018) and over 30 million visitors watch 5 billion videos on Youtube every day (Merchdope.com; April 2018). Consider the possible impact of one of our songs getting millions of streams, or of one of our music videos going viral and reaching millions of viewers. Contribute now and you help expand our global audience with the smallest budget for the greatest impact.
What is the Impact if We are Not Successful?
People forget who they are and don't share their gifts. Gradually, the young generation of Millennials have less exposure to indigenous/traditional arts, ways of life, and culture. People lose their sense of cultural identity, traditions become the past, and overconsumption and environmental pollution continue to be the norm around the world. Does this sound like a world that Lives In Love? There's no time to waste. Let's do this together!
What You Get for Giving
Everyone who contributes $100 or more to our campaign will receive a personalized song written and recorded by In Love just for you. That means it is your song to keep and have forever, and of course to share if you'd like. You also have the option to choose what you want the song to be about. How cool is that? You get your own personal song for living In Love with us!
Our special givebacks to you for making a contribution to the Live In Love campaign are the following:
- Everyone who contributes $100 or more will receive a personalized song written and recorded by In Love just for you.
- An instant download of In Love's debut single "In This Now" high quality 320 kps MP3 for contributors only.
- An instant download of In Love's demos "Rainbows", "Revealing It All" and "The Garden" as high quality 320 kbps MP3s for contributors only.
- A pre-global release digital copy of In Love's debut album "With You"
- An autographed CD of In Love's debut album "With You"
- A sneak preview of In Love's music video for "Rainbows" before it's released to the public on YouTube.
- The joy of being part of initiating the launch of In Love's music and mission
- The uplifting opportunity to share with others how you Live In Love.
What Happens If We Raise More Than $8,888?
Contributions beyond $8,888 support the Live In Love movement in the following ways:
- We continue to expand the reach of In Love's music and mission with marketing and promotions, merchandise, community outreach programs, touring, future song and music video releases, and website development . Together we inspire the world to join the Live In Love movement.
- We launch “The Love Show”, a monthly online comedy series inspiring you to live your dream by watching us live our dream. You venture with us wherever we go through the lens of laughter and love.
- $1,000 secures the 501c3 Nonprofit Status for the Live In Love Foundation. Nonprofit status makes the movement a true reality on paper.
- Fully support Amanda and Michael of In Love to completely focus on living their dream as creative artists and cover their cost of living. Costs include basic needs like housing, food, and clean water. This allows Amanda and Michael to put 100% of their energy into In Love's music and mission. Energy flows where attention goes so imagine where it can go with more attention.
What Your Support Means To Us
Supporting the Live In Love campaign means we get to live our dreams and inspire you to live your’s, which then inspires others to live their's. Huh? What do you mean? Love has a ripple effect and the more love we all give, the more love is received from all. The more love is given and received, the more dreams become a reality. The more dreams become a reality, the more we all Live In Love. At the heart and soul of this campaign and musical movement is the intention for everyone to be fully self realized in who they are and what kind of positive impact they want to make in the world. In addition, 5% of your campaign donations go to Do It For The Love , a wish-granting nonprofit organization started by Michael Franti and his wife bringing people living with life-threatening illnesses, children with severe challenges and wounded veterans to live concerts. Do It For The Love ’s mission through the healing power of music brings joy, hope and lasting celebratory memories in the face of severe illness or trauma.
Thank you!
We appreciate the LIL (Live In Love) bit of time you spent considering the possibility of the whole world to Live In Love. Your financial contribution, no matter how large or small, allow us to experience ourselves as thriving creative artists in a way we never have experienced before. Today, we choose to live into the possibility of the entire world to Live In Love. As an artist of your life, we inspire you to do the same. Together we transform instead of conform and make a real difference in the lives of many. We establish and create a culture of support for the authentic self expression of all who engage in the Live In Love movement.
In Love,
Amanda Rose Loveland and Michael Chorvat
We invite you to stay up to date with our latest events, campaign progress, videos, programs, and music here:
In Love’s YouTube Channel