Donation protected
URGENT! need for support to help with health/medical problems(brain tumor +),leads musician/composer/poet/arts activist, Liz Gilbert to create an unprecedented 100 -member strong,collectively owned LLC, AUDIOSAPIEN RECORDS. CAPITALIZED by Liz Gilbert,through a Living Trust, with all her substantial creative assets,an owner /membership is $200 USD.(capped at 100 Founding members). All company profits are shared equally among members with 10% currently allocated to founding a Ra Paulette (CaveDigger)Trust/land acquisition through HEARTH, one of Liz Gilbert’s non-profits, a land bank initiative.
Liz Gilbert is known for her innovative,visionary thinking and creation of many organizations/projects as well as her exceptional creative work as a singer/songwriter/composer/producer/poet/writer/multi-media performance artist. 2017 looks to be a banner year for Audiosapien Records,with so many new releases(on ASR & other labels), re-issues ,book projects plus plus ,celebrating 45 + years of Liz Gilbert’s artistry.
Right NOW, an initial 30 members @ $200 (= $6000), is all it would take to get Liz home to Canada with her dog and gear ,for medical and healing attention. Join Us and tell a friend! Better yet,get a membership for an artist friend you wish to support. The gift that really does keep on giving. http://www.audiosapienrecords2.weebly.com
#audiosapienrecords #lizgilbertSave
Liz Gilbert is known for her innovative,visionary thinking and creation of many organizations/projects as well as her exceptional creative work as a singer/songwriter/composer/producer/poet/writer/multi-media performance artist. 2017 looks to be a banner year for Audiosapien Records,with so many new releases(on ASR & other labels), re-issues ,book projects plus plus ,celebrating 45 + years of Liz Gilbert’s artistry.
Right NOW, an initial 30 members @ $200 (= $6000), is all it would take to get Liz home to Canada with her dog and gear ,for medical and healing attention. Join Us and tell a friend! Better yet,get a membership for an artist friend you wish to support. The gift that really does keep on giving. http://www.audiosapienrecords2.weebly.com
#audiosapienrecords #lizgilbertSave
Organizer and beneficiary
Liz Gilbert
Taos, NM
Catherine Thom