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Lost Everything in Leilani Lava

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Phil and Lunel Haysmer, long time Humboldt residents and the founders of Many Hands Gallery,  retired to Hawaii over five years ago. In the recent Leilani lava flow they lost everything, their home and all worldly possessions consumed by the lava; and when I say everything , I mean everything. Lunel was hospitalized immediately before the evacuations and left her home with literally the clothes  she was wearing. A lifetime of valued possessions and art has been lost, but also the simple day to day items we take for granted. This fundraiser is to help them land a  little easier after this tragedy; to help replace the basic necessities, like clothes, sundries, art supplies, housewares and more. Please keep up to date with their blog  HaysmerHawaii on blogspot for the most current information. 


The Haysmers are not on any social media accounts, but they would very much apprecite emails from you. 

[E-Mail ausgeblendet]

Thank you for your donations!
Astra Burke
Many Hands Gallery
Eureka, ca

All funds will be electronically wired to Phil and Lunel as they become available. 



  • Bruce and Kelan Braly
    • $500
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Astra Burke
Eureka, CA
Philip and Lanell Haysmer

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt