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THIS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL GOFUNDME FOR MACEY RAE WRIGHT, AGE 14 OF SALT LAKE CITY, UT. My name is Julianne and I started this campaign to raise money for my beautiful, strong, loving niece- Macey Wright. Macey was born with a heart condition- severe aortic stenosis and mitral stenosis. She immediately had surgery as an infant and has since lived a relatively normal, healthy life up until two years ago. At age 11 she had open heart surgery- not once but TWICE. The second being a complication from the first. Within just a few weeks of the first surgery she was in severe heart failure and her organs were shutting down. Macey spent 9 days in the ICU and had the surgery for a second time to fix her mitral valve.

Macey has never let this illness get her down and she is a shining light in every room she walks into. She is strong, kind hearted, funny, spunky, athletic, talented, faithful, and determined. She is the most amazing sister to her family's new baby and to her older brother- who has his own struggles being diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. Before Macey's condition worsened in 2013, she was a star gymnast with asperations of becoming an Olympic Athlete. She competed in two seasons, and although she was not healthy enough to finish the second season she placed 1st in vault at competition- even after the news of needing a new heart. Macey participates in dance company (with several rest breaks), plays guitar, and sings in the school choir. This girl has some serious heart! And if you ever get the chance to meet her you will know right away what I am talking about. She is seriously the sweetest 13 year old you will ever meet!

Macey's left ventricle is now failing and there are no medications or sugeries to repair it- leaving a transplant as her only option to attain her goals of being a master musician, future cardiologist, and future mother.
The family that is blessed enough to have this lovely girl and her siblings are constantly struggling to make ends meet. This family has never asked anyone for a dime- like many of us they are proud and want to maintain the appearance of a normal lifestyle. They are hard-working, kind, giving, and are in desperate need of our help. Macey's (as well as her brother's) insurance premiums are so high that her parents often sacrifice their own wants and needs for their children's healthcare. I cannot tell you the number of times my sister has humbly declined an invitation to go out to eat, get a pedicure, or some other fun activity we all participate in because funds are low. Her humility and sacrifice for her children is a great example to all of us- I want to thank them for being such an inspirational light in everyone's lives and help them prepare for Macey's lifelong healthcare needs. Funds would assist this family in daily living- such as food, utilities, clothes, medications, gas, automobile costs, mortgage, insurance, future college funds, music lessons, and of course the ever-so-mounting lifelong medical bills. Maybe even a family vacation or nice dinner out somewhere! They are deprived of luxuries many of us (myself included) take for granted. We can't fix Macey's heart, but we can give them faithful thoughts, love, and help ease their financial burden.
Please help me help this family- when you give to others the universe gives back!
Thank you so much for reading and sharing Macey's story! <3

Macey has never let this illness get her down and she is a shining light in every room she walks into. She is strong, kind hearted, funny, spunky, athletic, talented, faithful, and determined. She is the most amazing sister to her family's new baby and to her older brother- who has his own struggles being diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. Before Macey's condition worsened in 2013, she was a star gymnast with asperations of becoming an Olympic Athlete. She competed in two seasons, and although she was not healthy enough to finish the second season she placed 1st in vault at competition- even after the news of needing a new heart. Macey participates in dance company (with several rest breaks), plays guitar, and sings in the school choir. This girl has some serious heart! And if you ever get the chance to meet her you will know right away what I am talking about. She is seriously the sweetest 13 year old you will ever meet!

Macey's left ventricle is now failing and there are no medications or sugeries to repair it- leaving a transplant as her only option to attain her goals of being a master musician, future cardiologist, and future mother.
The family that is blessed enough to have this lovely girl and her siblings are constantly struggling to make ends meet. This family has never asked anyone for a dime- like many of us they are proud and want to maintain the appearance of a normal lifestyle. They are hard-working, kind, giving, and are in desperate need of our help. Macey's (as well as her brother's) insurance premiums are so high that her parents often sacrifice their own wants and needs for their children's healthcare. I cannot tell you the number of times my sister has humbly declined an invitation to go out to eat, get a pedicure, or some other fun activity we all participate in because funds are low. Her humility and sacrifice for her children is a great example to all of us- I want to thank them for being such an inspirational light in everyone's lives and help them prepare for Macey's lifelong healthcare needs. Funds would assist this family in daily living- such as food, utilities, clothes, medications, gas, automobile costs, mortgage, insurance, future college funds, music lessons, and of course the ever-so-mounting lifelong medical bills. Maybe even a family vacation or nice dinner out somewhere! They are deprived of luxuries many of us (myself included) take for granted. We can't fix Macey's heart, but we can give them faithful thoughts, love, and help ease their financial burden.
Please help me help this family- when you give to others the universe gives back!
Thank you so much for reading and sharing Macey's story! <3
Organizer and beneficiary
Julianne-Peterson Nick-Jackson
Salt Lake City, UT
Patrice Wright