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Makahna's Chemo/Surgery

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In November Makahna was diagnosed with Large Cell Lymphoma a year after losing his brother Rascal.  It has been a tough road for everyone who knows and loves him, and even tougher for him.  He started Chemo treatments immediately after diagnosis going once a week for injections, blood work and exams.  Things were going good for this amazing pup until about 3 weeks ago. Makahna went in for his usual weekly checkup and chemo dose when the Oncologist said the Lymph nodes were not responding well to the treatment he received the week prior, and that he was a little concerned continuing with the protocol MIGHT not be helpful.  How could this be? The fight and drive in Makahna’s eyes showed he wasn’t ready to give up.  The Oncologist made some adjustments in the chemo protocol and jumped ahead to the HARDCORE make it or break it drug. It is an emotional rollercoaster with the up’s and down’s of chemo…the loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and lethargy made each day a challenge.  This chemo treatment seemed to affect him the most with vomiting, and diarrhea which started 2 days after his treatment.  Medications were able to keep him feeling ok, but not his normal happy self.  We were counting down the days until his weekly appointment hoping each day he would start feeling better BUT this wasn’t the case.  It happened to be the day of a big storm the Oncologist cancelled his appointment, but said to bring him to the regular vet if he was still not feeling well.  Snow storm or not we were going to get some answers to help him feel better or so we hoped.  Upon examination the Vet had felt a mass around his Colon and recommended X-Rays the results were not good.  It appeared that there was an enlargement/mass on his prostate and it was crushing his colon preventing him to use the bathroom at all.  We were told there wasn’t anything more to be done, and the vet had no clue how to help us,but suggested an Ultrasound to help get a better idea of what was going on.  So appointment was made to get an ultrasound done immediately and off through the snow we went one more time to get more answers.  How could this be the end! Makahna wasn’t ready to give up the fight.  He had come so far.  The ultrasound results were just as everyone had feared nothing more could be done, “prognosis was poor” were the words written in his file.  It had appeared that the Chemo in fact was not doing its job and the Lymphoma was taking over.  The results showed a mass on the prostate and one in his colon with an enlarged lymph node in the area.  The Vet explained that the Lymphoma was causing these masses, and the enlargement of the lymph node was due to it not being able to do its job properly causing the swelling in the back end.  The statement was made that if we had to work this hard to treat the cancer, and it is not working then there was nothing left to be done.  Makahna was made comfortable to get him through the night so we could say our goodbyes. This was it the end of the road for this beautiful boy.  2 different doctors had said nothing more could be done…this wasn’t how it was supposed to go!  All we could do now was take him home for the night and make the hardest decision anyone ever has to make when it comes to saying goodbye to a loved one.  The next morning the fight for his life began.  A phone call to his Oncologist was made, and we were off to Mass for a whole new series of tests, biopsies ultrasounds and hopefully some answers.  This was the FIRST time anyone had wanted to try to get answers and give him the fighting chance he deserves.  The results of the tests were shocking he IS in fact in remission from his Lymphoma and NO signs of cancer are present.  SO now what? How do we fix this? It appears that Makahna had developed an abscess on his prostate and the mass around his colon.  All  the tests, biopsies and cytologies showed signs of infection and inflammation…but what is causing all of that?  The answer is still unclear.  The only way to get this answer is to put him through an extensive surgery. Which will mean that he can no longer have chemo until he is fully recovered. 

This is where you all can help.  Please join me and his family in the fight to save his life. The medical bills are intense and this amazing loveable beautiful dog needs all the love and support he can get.  If you can, please donate, every little bit helps and could make a difference in his life.  Makahna hasn’t given up so I am asking everyone to not give up on him!!! If you cannot make a donation please share his story and help spread the word. Let others who are dealing with cancer know there is ALWAYS hope!

Please help keep Makahna cancer free and allow him to have the surgery he needs.

Thank You from the bottom of my heart <3


Michelle Chalk
Concord, NH

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