Manassas Hope for the Homeless
Tax deductible
Manassas Hope for the Homeless is comprised of Christians from over a dozen churches in the greater Manassas area who have come together to assist our local homeless friends. Manassas Baptist Church provides weekly showers and lunches, tents, tarps, propane heaters, clothing, work boots, an emergency hypothermia shelter in extreme cold temperatures, and many other needs that come along throughout the year. Without the help of our wonderful volunteers and donors none of these things would be possible. Our current mission is to raise funds to replace the cots in the hypothermia shelter, but we are always in need of cases of water, socks, men’s underwear and batteries. You can make a financial donation here or you can drop these items off at Manassas Baptist Church at anytime during the year. If you are interested in more information or would like to join our team of amazing volunteers, we would love for you to go to
Shannon Nicole Key
Manassas, VA
Manassas Baptist Church