Margaret Smith Final Exspenses
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Margaret Smith a friend to all who know her. Loved by everyone that knows her. She has been struggling life threatening diseases for several years. Liver Cancer being the worst of them all. She is in her final days here on earth. We found out the insurance she has is not going to pay for any of her service. We thank you right now for opening up your heart for helping a family in need. These times are hard enough to watch your mom just being in the position she is in without having to worry about the next step. We appreciate anything that you feel in your heart that you can do to help. This Lady has been a mom to a lot of our children,a prayer warrior for those who needed prayer,an ear for all of us in time of venting and just being the most perfect friend. If this was any of us and she was on the giving end she would give her last dollar to help each and everyone of us. She has been a widow for about 21 years. Mother and fathered 2 children. Raised them up. She is an awesome Christian Lady that has an amazing heart. Again thank You right now for your help.
God Bless You All
God Bless You All
Crystal Hamilton Roberts
Sparta, TN