#NoOneGivesUp /Maria G. Rodríguez
Donation protected
Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, is 42 years old and live in Caracas, Venezuela. On February 15th, 2018 She was diagnosed with breast cancer (ductal carcinoma).
Thanks to the fundraising campaign, she was able to cover the costs of several treatments, including: the surgery to remove the tumor, the 8 required chemotherapy cycles, blood tests, echocardiograms, X-rays, medicines purchased abroad, and their shipment to Venezuela. She completed the cycles of chemotherapy.
The biopsy results showed that even though her cancer was diagnosed in an early stage, it is still aggressive, type HER2+. HER2-positive is a breast cancer that tests positive for a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which promotes the growth of cancer cells.
In about 1 of every 5 breast cancers, the cancer cells have a gene mutation that makes an excess of the HER2 protein. Therefore, there is a high risk of metastasis if its not treated correctly.
In order to stop this receptor and thus prevent the division and growth of cancer cells, Maria Gabriela is urged to purchase 17 “Trastuzumab” (Herceptin) ampoules.
Each ampoule costs about $2,600, (she hat already purchased 6) but she need 11 which adds up to $28,600, we have to add the shipment from Mexico and medical assistance, since this medicine hasn’t been available in Venezuela for more than 5 years.
The total Campaign is for $51,000. The founds has been used for medicines and treatment required since the diagnosis, however, we have not yet reached the goal to cover the 11 ampoules that are needed and therefore we need your help to reach this amount to cover all the medicines, treatment and shipping, described above.
Despite of being a working professional and having three jobs, she earns only eighteen dollars monthly. She is forced to ask for help and the collaboration of all of you because no medical insurance will cover her operation and treatment for this illness.
Due to the humanitarian emergency and hyperinflation going on in Venezuela, I find myself in need to resume this fundraising campaign, and reach out to all of you that are able to support Maria Gabriela´s cause in any possible way.
I would like to ask for the help of all of you.

Hello, my name is Cinthia Gutiérrez, I’m from Venezuela and live in Germany. I met Maria Gabriela Rodriguez 25 years ago in a concert where she was playing the Flute as soloist. It was so beautiful that I decided to learn that Instrument.
She is not only an incredible musician, conductor and teacher, but she is also a wonderful human being. Two weeks ago she received a Breast Cancer Diagnosis and due to the difficult situation in Venezuela she doesn’t have the possibility to cover the medical expenses on her own. I am organizing this campaign to collect the funds she needs to cover the operation and treatment and I would like to ask for the help of all of you.
The money that is being raised will be used for an oncological partial mastectomy, axillary dissection of lymph nodes, resection of fibroadenoma with a definitive histopathological study and radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.
I will transfer the money to a good and trusted friend of Maria Gabriela Rodriguez of over 20 years, Mrs. Odalys Sosa, who will assume all the medical expenses that will take place in venezuelan currency.
This, of course, has the consent and are the instructions that were given to me by Maria Gabriela Rodriguez. The operation will take place on Tuesday March 6th 2018.
Thank you ever so much to everyone for your support.
Below, you will find the medical report in which the diagnosis is made and later I will let Maria Gabriela tell you her story.

Hello! Please receive my best regards.
My name is Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, I’m 42 years old and I live in Caracas, Venezuela. In December, 2017 I noticed a small lump in my left breast and my doctor referred me urgently to the mastologist. He then ordered a series of tests (mammogram and a breast puncture). On February 15th, 2018 I was diagnosed with breast cancer (ductal carcinoma).
Despite of being a working professional since I was 15 years old, I am forced to ask for help and the collaboration of all of you because no medical insurance will cover my operation and treatment for this illness. The coverage is barely enough for one or two blood tests. Due to the terrible financial situation happening in Venezuela at this time, it is impossible for me to assume the costs that come with cancer, which turns my condition, and not only mine but that of many people, into a humanitarian drama.
Being diagnosed with cancer is not easy news to digest.

I have a Bachelor degree in Music. I am the principal flute of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, the oldest orchestra of Venezuela, and the only woman who has held the position of principal since its foundation. I’m a flute professor at the “Mozarteum de Caracas” School of Music, I am also a flute professor at the Sistema de Orquestas de Venezuela and I conduct the Venezuelan National Flute Orchestra. I also enjoy taking care of street dogs; feeding street dogs has also become a tough act in Venezuela.

I am not ready to leave yet. I have many things left to do and even though I feel overwhelmed, I want to win this battle so that I can keep playing and continue to show the path of music to my fellow students and, above all, to keep working toward the restoration of my country.

I count on the love and support of my family and my wonderful friends and I would also like to count on you to help me raise $51000 to cover the costs of my surgery, radiation therapy and medicines that are necessary to achieve my complete recovery. I want to be a testimony of life and I want to be able to help others while I also battle cancer.
I have been living for 20 years with focal dystonia in my left hand, which almost didn't allow me to keep playing the flute, and I got through it. I am now the ambassador of the Venezuelan Foundation for Dystonia and I collaborate with them by raising awareness of this disease in Venezuelan musicians. So, my spirit to fight is intact.
Blessings to all and thank you for being there with me.
Maria Gabriela Rodriguez.
¡Hola! Reciban un afectuoso saludo. Soy María Gabriela Rodríguez, tengo 42 años y vivo en Caracas, Venezuela. El 15 de febrero de 2018 fui diagnosticada con cáncer de seno (carcinoma ductal infiltrante) por lo cual debo someterme urgentemente a una cirugía..
A pesar de ser una profesional laboralmente activa desde que tenía la edad de 15 años, en este momento me veo en la necesidad de pedir la colaboración de todos ustedes ya que debido a la terrible situación económica que vivimos en Venezuela actualmente no puedo costear los gastos que esta enfermedad genera, y ningún seguro médico alcanza en Venezuela para cubrir todo lo referente a una enfermedad como ésta, lo cual convierte no sólo mi estado si no el de muchas personas en un drama humanitario.
Ser diagnosticado con cáncer no es una noticia fácil de digerir.
Yo soy licenciada en Música. Soy flautista solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, la orquesta más antigua de Venezuela y la única mujer que ha ocupado el cargo de principal desde su fundación, hace 87años. Soy profesora de flauta en la Escuela de Música “Mozarteum de Caracas” y en el Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y dirijo la Orquesta Nacional de Flautas de Venezuela. Soy una una aprendiz de proteccionista de animales y lucho para alimentar a los que están en situación de calle.
No estoy lista para irme. Tengo demasiadas cosas por hacer y a pesar de que me siento muy consternada quiero ganar esta batalla para seguir tocando, para seguir mostrándole el camino de la música a mis alumnos y por sobre todo trabajar en la reconstrucción de mi país.
Cuento con el amor y el apoyo de mi familia y de mis maravillosos amigos y por eso quisiera contar con ustedes también para recolectar $ 51000 para cubrir los gastos de mi operación, radiación y la medicación necesaria y poder así alcanzar mi total recuperación. Quiero ser un testimonio de vida y poder ayudar a los demás mientras dure mi lucha contra el cáncer.
Tengo 20 años viviendo con una distonía focal en mi mano izquierda la cual casi me deja sin poder tocar flauta y lo superé. Hoy soy embajadora de la Fundación Distonía Venezuela y colaboro con ellos en la difusión de este síndrome en los músicos venezolanos. Así que no he renunciado a mi espíritu de lucha.
Bendiciones para todos y gracias por acompañarme.
María Gabriela Rodríguez.
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, j’ai 42 ans et j’habite à Caracas, Venezuela. Le 15 février dernier j’ai été diagnostiquée avec cancer de sein (carcinome ductal infiltrante).
Selon les résultats de la dernière biopsie que l’on m’a faite, il est impératif de me réaliser une chirurgie en urgence.
Malgré ma situation en tant que professionnelle en pleine activité (je suis la première femme qui occupe le poste de flûte solo de l’orchestre symphonique du Venezuela depuis sa fondation il y a 87 ans, je suis chef de l’orchestre national de flûtes du Venezuela et je fais parti de l’équipe pédagogique du Mozarteum de Caracas ainsi que de « El Sistema »), je me trouve dans le besoin de vous demander votre aide pour recueillir la cantité de 51000$ pour couvrir les frais de l’opération, radiation et les médicaments nécessaires afin de me rétablir complètement. Avec la terrible crise humanitaire et économique qui vit le Venezuela en ce moment, aucune assurance est dans la mesure de couvrir l’intégralité des frais d’une maladie comme celle-ci, ce qui rend son diagnostique encore plus dramatique.
Je ne suis pas prête pour m’en aller car j’ai encore beaucoup trop de choses à faire. Je veux continuer à faire et enseigner la musique, travailler pour la reconstruction de mon pays, lutter contre la situation des animaux sans abri et continuer ma tâche en tant qu’ambassadrice de la Fondation Dystonie - Venezuela. En effet, cela fait 20 ans qu’une dystonie focale dans ma main gauche aurait pu arrêter ma carrière de flûtiste.
Mais cela n’a pas été le cas et j’espère qu’il en sera de même pour le cancer. Je me sens décidée à gagner cette bataille car je n’ai jamais abandonné mon esprit de lutte. Je compte avec l’amour et le soutien de ma famille ainsi que des merveilleux amis. Je serais très reconnaissante de recevoir une aide de votre part, cela me serait d’une immense contribution pour que je puisse surpasser cette nouvelle difficulté qui apparaît sur mon chemin. Je veux être un témoin de vie.
Que Dieu vous bénisse, et, Merci !
Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, is 42 years old and live in Caracas, Venezuela. On February 15th, 2018 She was diagnosed with breast cancer (ductal carcinoma).
Thanks to the fundraising campaign, she was able to cover the costs of several treatments, including: the surgery to remove the tumor, the 8 required chemotherapy cycles, blood tests, echocardiograms, X-rays, medicines purchased abroad, and their shipment to Venezuela. She completed the cycles of chemotherapy.
The biopsy results showed that even though her cancer was diagnosed in an early stage, it is still aggressive, type HER2+. HER2-positive is a breast cancer that tests positive for a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which promotes the growth of cancer cells.
In about 1 of every 5 breast cancers, the cancer cells have a gene mutation that makes an excess of the HER2 protein. Therefore, there is a high risk of metastasis if its not treated correctly.
In order to stop this receptor and thus prevent the division and growth of cancer cells, Maria Gabriela is urged to purchase 17 “Trastuzumab” (Herceptin) ampoules.
Each ampoule costs about $2,600, (she hat already purchased 6) but she need 11 which adds up to $28,600, we have to add the shipment from Mexico and medical assistance, since this medicine hasn’t been available in Venezuela for more than 5 years.
The total Campaign is for $51,000. The founds has been used for medicines and treatment required since the diagnosis, however, we have not yet reached the goal to cover the 11 ampoules that are needed and therefore we need your help to reach this amount to cover all the medicines, treatment and shipping, described above.
Despite of being a working professional and having three jobs, she earns only eighteen dollars monthly. She is forced to ask for help and the collaboration of all of you because no medical insurance will cover her operation and treatment for this illness.
Due to the humanitarian emergency and hyperinflation going on in Venezuela, I find myself in need to resume this fundraising campaign, and reach out to all of you that are able to support Maria Gabriela´s cause in any possible way.
I would like to ask for the help of all of you.

Hello, my name is Cinthia Gutiérrez, I’m from Venezuela and live in Germany. I met Maria Gabriela Rodriguez 25 years ago in a concert where she was playing the Flute as soloist. It was so beautiful that I decided to learn that Instrument.
She is not only an incredible musician, conductor and teacher, but she is also a wonderful human being. Two weeks ago she received a Breast Cancer Diagnosis and due to the difficult situation in Venezuela she doesn’t have the possibility to cover the medical expenses on her own. I am organizing this campaign to collect the funds she needs to cover the operation and treatment and I would like to ask for the help of all of you.
The money that is being raised will be used for an oncological partial mastectomy, axillary dissection of lymph nodes, resection of fibroadenoma with a definitive histopathological study and radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.
I will transfer the money to a good and trusted friend of Maria Gabriela Rodriguez of over 20 years, Mrs. Odalys Sosa, who will assume all the medical expenses that will take place in venezuelan currency.
This, of course, has the consent and are the instructions that were given to me by Maria Gabriela Rodriguez. The operation will take place on Tuesday March 6th 2018.
Thank you ever so much to everyone for your support.
Below, you will find the medical report in which the diagnosis is made and later I will let Maria Gabriela tell you her story.

Hello! Please receive my best regards.
My name is Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, I’m 42 years old and I live in Caracas, Venezuela. In December, 2017 I noticed a small lump in my left breast and my doctor referred me urgently to the mastologist. He then ordered a series of tests (mammogram and a breast puncture). On February 15th, 2018 I was diagnosed with breast cancer (ductal carcinoma).
Despite of being a working professional since I was 15 years old, I am forced to ask for help and the collaboration of all of you because no medical insurance will cover my operation and treatment for this illness. The coverage is barely enough for one or two blood tests. Due to the terrible financial situation happening in Venezuela at this time, it is impossible for me to assume the costs that come with cancer, which turns my condition, and not only mine but that of many people, into a humanitarian drama.
Being diagnosed with cancer is not easy news to digest.

I have a Bachelor degree in Music. I am the principal flute of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, the oldest orchestra of Venezuela, and the only woman who has held the position of principal since its foundation. I’m a flute professor at the “Mozarteum de Caracas” School of Music, I am also a flute professor at the Sistema de Orquestas de Venezuela and I conduct the Venezuelan National Flute Orchestra. I also enjoy taking care of street dogs; feeding street dogs has also become a tough act in Venezuela.

I am not ready to leave yet. I have many things left to do and even though I feel overwhelmed, I want to win this battle so that I can keep playing and continue to show the path of music to my fellow students and, above all, to keep working toward the restoration of my country.

I count on the love and support of my family and my wonderful friends and I would also like to count on you to help me raise $51000 to cover the costs of my surgery, radiation therapy and medicines that are necessary to achieve my complete recovery. I want to be a testimony of life and I want to be able to help others while I also battle cancer.
I have been living for 20 years with focal dystonia in my left hand, which almost didn't allow me to keep playing the flute, and I got through it. I am now the ambassador of the Venezuelan Foundation for Dystonia and I collaborate with them by raising awareness of this disease in Venezuelan musicians. So, my spirit to fight is intact.

Maria Gabriela Rodriguez.
¡Hola! Reciban un afectuoso saludo. Soy María Gabriela Rodríguez, tengo 42 años y vivo en Caracas, Venezuela. El 15 de febrero de 2018 fui diagnosticada con cáncer de seno (carcinoma ductal infiltrante) por lo cual debo someterme urgentemente a una cirugía..
A pesar de ser una profesional laboralmente activa desde que tenía la edad de 15 años, en este momento me veo en la necesidad de pedir la colaboración de todos ustedes ya que debido a la terrible situación económica que vivimos en Venezuela actualmente no puedo costear los gastos que esta enfermedad genera, y ningún seguro médico alcanza en Venezuela para cubrir todo lo referente a una enfermedad como ésta, lo cual convierte no sólo mi estado si no el de muchas personas en un drama humanitario.
Ser diagnosticado con cáncer no es una noticia fácil de digerir.
Yo soy licenciada en Música. Soy flautista solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela, la orquesta más antigua de Venezuela y la única mujer que ha ocupado el cargo de principal desde su fundación, hace 87años. Soy profesora de flauta en la Escuela de Música “Mozarteum de Caracas” y en el Sistema Nacional de Orquestas y dirijo la Orquesta Nacional de Flautas de Venezuela. Soy una una aprendiz de proteccionista de animales y lucho para alimentar a los que están en situación de calle.
No estoy lista para irme. Tengo demasiadas cosas por hacer y a pesar de que me siento muy consternada quiero ganar esta batalla para seguir tocando, para seguir mostrándole el camino de la música a mis alumnos y por sobre todo trabajar en la reconstrucción de mi país.
Cuento con el amor y el apoyo de mi familia y de mis maravillosos amigos y por eso quisiera contar con ustedes también para recolectar $ 51000 para cubrir los gastos de mi operación, radiación y la medicación necesaria y poder así alcanzar mi total recuperación. Quiero ser un testimonio de vida y poder ayudar a los demás mientras dure mi lucha contra el cáncer.
Tengo 20 años viviendo con una distonía focal en mi mano izquierda la cual casi me deja sin poder tocar flauta y lo superé. Hoy soy embajadora de la Fundación Distonía Venezuela y colaboro con ellos en la difusión de este síndrome en los músicos venezolanos. Así que no he renunciado a mi espíritu de lucha.
Bendiciones para todos y gracias por acompañarme.
María Gabriela Rodríguez.
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis Maria Gabriela Rodriguez, j’ai 42 ans et j’habite à Caracas, Venezuela. Le 15 février dernier j’ai été diagnostiquée avec cancer de sein (carcinome ductal infiltrante).
Selon les résultats de la dernière biopsie que l’on m’a faite, il est impératif de me réaliser une chirurgie en urgence.
Malgré ma situation en tant que professionnelle en pleine activité (je suis la première femme qui occupe le poste de flûte solo de l’orchestre symphonique du Venezuela depuis sa fondation il y a 87 ans, je suis chef de l’orchestre national de flûtes du Venezuela et je fais parti de l’équipe pédagogique du Mozarteum de Caracas ainsi que de « El Sistema »), je me trouve dans le besoin de vous demander votre aide pour recueillir la cantité de 51000$ pour couvrir les frais de l’opération, radiation et les médicaments nécessaires afin de me rétablir complètement. Avec la terrible crise humanitaire et économique qui vit le Venezuela en ce moment, aucune assurance est dans la mesure de couvrir l’intégralité des frais d’une maladie comme celle-ci, ce qui rend son diagnostique encore plus dramatique.
Je ne suis pas prête pour m’en aller car j’ai encore beaucoup trop de choses à faire. Je veux continuer à faire et enseigner la musique, travailler pour la reconstruction de mon pays, lutter contre la situation des animaux sans abri et continuer ma tâche en tant qu’ambassadrice de la Fondation Dystonie - Venezuela. En effet, cela fait 20 ans qu’une dystonie focale dans ma main gauche aurait pu arrêter ma carrière de flûtiste.
Mais cela n’a pas été le cas et j’espère qu’il en sera de même pour le cancer. Je me sens décidée à gagner cette bataille car je n’ai jamais abandonné mon esprit de lutte. Je compte avec l’amour et le soutien de ma famille ainsi que des merveilleux amis. Je serais très reconnaissante de recevoir une aide de votre part, cela me serait d’une immense contribution pour que je puisse surpasser cette nouvelle difficulté qui apparaît sur mon chemin. Je veux être un témoin de vie.
Que Dieu vous bénisse, et, Merci !
Cinthia Valentina Gutiérrez Ostos
Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen