Marissa Jean Satiro #SatiroStrong
Marissa Satiro is a 15 year old girl battling Stage 4 Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer) & Lung Cancer!! The Drs recently told Marissa and her family that she now has Osteosarcoma of the brain. She has had several surgeries including emergency brain sergury she had to undergo this past week. Marissa just wanted to be a happy teenager and live a normal life. We want to raise money to help offset some of her medical expenses and to provide extra funding to fullfull Marissa's bucket list which includes swimming with Dolphins and visiting California. Most importantly, to meet Justin Bieber. We ask that you see it in your heart to donate to Marissa. We can make a difference! Any donation will help. All donations will be going directly to Marissa and her family to help with medical expenses incurred during her battle with cancer. Thank you in advance for your donations, thoughts and prayers! Please spread the word and share this link.