Mark Daniels Running Prosthetic Leg
Mark's surprised us all with his recovery and his ongoing fortitude and determination in the face of adversity. He's had to make some tough decisions in regards to his rehabilitation including a second amputation to remove the defective remains of his knee, a choice that one shouldn't have to make.
He's taken on everything thrown at him, and pushed harder than he had to with extra challenges such as a powerlifting competition and a half marathon. In the guelling 21km event he alternated between his prosthetic and a wheelchair to battle to the finish line.
Our friend and loved one has dreams to represent Australia in the 2020 paralympic games, but to get there he needs to be able to run, and he needs to start training today.
Mark's not held back by physical or mental barriers but by a monetry one. He can't effectively run on his prosethic, it was never designed for that purpose, he needs a running blade.
Running Blade Link:
Ottoblock 3S80 & Sprinter Foot
Let's give this amazing kid his freedom, freedom to follow his dreams and run again.
- Andrew Daniels
(Marks Brother).