Maverick, Manning, & Mel Medical
Melissa was hospitalized at 22 weeks for pre-eclampsia. After 4 weeks in the hospital, she developed HELLP syndrome and had to have an emergency c-section to deliver the boys. Maverick and Manning were born at 26 weeks 3 days at 2 lbs 8 oz each. Both of the boys are on oscillators and Maverick has a Grade 4 bleed and recently had an EEG that showed no activity. Melissa's liver labs continued to rise even after delivery and she is now in the ICU and they are discussing liver transplantation. It will be a long road for this family. In order to ensure that Jeremy can be by their side and that their family is taken care of, this Go Fund me will help pay any extra medical expenses as well as helping with their morgage and food for their family. If you can not donate, PLEASE PRAY. Also, any one willing to help with the other children so that Jeremy can be with Melissa and the babies is appreciated as well.
**Maverick passed away on 8/22/17 at 7:30 pm. Please consider donating to help with funeral expenses.
Link to the boys fb page for updates: