Maxie needs our help!!!
Maxie arrived to us at Stray Cat Alliance beaten up, dehydrated, malnourished and could barely breathe. He had bloody discharge with every sneeze and was drooling from all the ulcers in his mouth. Poor boy couldn’t even eat :( He had a home...but was left out to die in the cold, busy streets of South LA. Luckily, he was being cared for by our dedicated community feeder and foster. He tried contacting Maxie’s owners, but they continuously declined to help him or care for him and then they moved away. How can someone leave this sweet, loving boy behind...we couldn’t let him continue to live this life so we took him in. Maxie is currently at the Emergency Room in Beverly Oaks. We would greatly appreciate any donation that can be given. Let’s help this big boy get healthy!
Eliana Villanueva
Los Angeles, CA
Stray Cat Alliance