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I am Angela Francis-Ogboko. I am 48 years old. I am an accountant and worked to help my family before my illness. I have 3 boys and 2 girls. The regrettable thing is that some of my people in Nigeria see my present medical condition as a taboo. This has led to my being isolated at gatherings, discriminated on job applications. And people look at me with disdain when I go out in public and even market place to buy food stuffs. This condition exhausted our family fund to zero and my husband lost his job. My immediate and extended family has been very supportive financially and otherwise but the financial demand of this protracted illness is too much for me and my family. I am grateful to all who helped in one way or the other and wishes to help.
The recent disappointment I faced is the denial of American Visa early this year. As soon as the interviewer saw my stomach, I was denied visa even though I had a medical clearance that I could fly. I am disappointed because the one person who I believe can help me further (My aunt Jane Uneanya who lives in the US and in the medical field) by connecting me to American Cancer hospitals hit a financial snag. She is a cancer patient undergoing treatment and has confidence in James Cancer and Solove Research Institute at Ohio State University Hospital. The OSU got my story and they responded that they can only help if I deposit $100,000 (estimated for cancer treatment). I offered myself for research but OSU informed my aunt Jane that they are legally not allowed to accept a patient as a research candidate while alive.
My distress is increasing by the day because I feel abandoned and lonely from this $100,000 news. Right now, sleeping is a problem for me as my tummy is growing every day. Please, I need the world’s help at least to know what is killing me.
The Ohio State University Hospital contact person that listened to my case type (international) is Ellie. My aunt Jane resides in Columbus, Ohio and she is my liaison to OSU hospital. I am in Nigeria until by God’s grace through your help, I can raise the fund needed to qualify for American Medical Visa to fly to OSU for obvious cancer evaluation and treatment.
It all started when I was pregnant for my last baby, at the 2nd trimester, I was found to have fibroid which the doctor said it would be removed during the delivery because it was blocking the passage, but on the day of the delivery, I had a hitch free delivery. Then after 1 year, exactly the month (month of March) that I weaned my baby, my tummy started growing big at an alarming rate. By August 2nd of the same year (2007), I had a surgery and the womb was totally removed, I started feeling better which was short lived.
Six months later, I found my tummy growing again. The doctor sent me for scan which he asked me to prepare for another surgery. At exactly 9 months after the 1st surgery which was 2nd of June 2008, I had another surgery because my tummy was very large. At this time, it contained a lot of fluid and one of the ovaries was removed. I recovered, got better and started going about my business. Though the recovery was very slow, in fact, I was discharged to go home and die but God came to my aid and rescued me.
Two years later, my tummy started growing again. This time, I was devastated, I didn’t know what to do. I started praying, what could be wrong?
Then I was referred to Lagos University teaching hospital (LUTH). 1st to the gynecology sector where they ran a lot of test and called for the outcome of the specimen at the pathology of the two-last surgery. They couldn’t find any tangible thing because their query was where could the growth be? Since the womb and the ovaries where taken away. I was then referred to the surgery sector in LUTH, they too ran their own investigations and after which they did surgery on me. This time around, the bleeding was too much and they couldn’t evacuate the growth. The specimen they got was taken for Histology and Immunochemistry.
This immunochemistry couldn’t be read in 3 places in Nigeria and they had to take it abroad. The 1st two countries couldn’t read it but the 3rd country found it as most likely to be a cancer called Haemangiopericytoma /Myopericytoma. I was then posted to the oncology department of LUTH. I met the consultant and said: “most likely” and “it is” cannot have the same meaning, but she told me not to worry that everything would be fine.
I took six courses of chemotherapy at 3 weeks’ interval, after which, nothing happened because my tummy was still the size it was after surgery.
They referred me back to the surgery department and I was told I will run some test again. I told them I don’t have the money to spend again. They told me that I shouldn’t go for another surgery again home or abroad
I have been living like that since 2011, I’m still very strong going to work and doing other private business of mine.
Last year my tummy started growing, though I’m still very strong and can go out but I’m being stigmatized by the way people look at me and don’t want to associate with me. Even when I was invited to the United States for a visit, I was refused Visa. I can’t live my life the way I want. I don’t understand
I know death is inevitable for all but in this case I want to know what’s wrong with me before dying.
Thanking you in anticipation
Angela Francis-Ogboko.
The recent disappointment I faced is the denial of American Visa early this year. As soon as the interviewer saw my stomach, I was denied visa even though I had a medical clearance that I could fly. I am disappointed because the one person who I believe can help me further (My aunt Jane Uneanya who lives in the US and in the medical field) by connecting me to American Cancer hospitals hit a financial snag. She is a cancer patient undergoing treatment and has confidence in James Cancer and Solove Research Institute at Ohio State University Hospital. The OSU got my story and they responded that they can only help if I deposit $100,000 (estimated for cancer treatment). I offered myself for research but OSU informed my aunt Jane that they are legally not allowed to accept a patient as a research candidate while alive.
My distress is increasing by the day because I feel abandoned and lonely from this $100,000 news. Right now, sleeping is a problem for me as my tummy is growing every day. Please, I need the world’s help at least to know what is killing me.
The Ohio State University Hospital contact person that listened to my case type (international) is Ellie. My aunt Jane resides in Columbus, Ohio and she is my liaison to OSU hospital. I am in Nigeria until by God’s grace through your help, I can raise the fund needed to qualify for American Medical Visa to fly to OSU for obvious cancer evaluation and treatment.
It all started when I was pregnant for my last baby, at the 2nd trimester, I was found to have fibroid which the doctor said it would be removed during the delivery because it was blocking the passage, but on the day of the delivery, I had a hitch free delivery. Then after 1 year, exactly the month (month of March) that I weaned my baby, my tummy started growing big at an alarming rate. By August 2nd of the same year (2007), I had a surgery and the womb was totally removed, I started feeling better which was short lived.
Six months later, I found my tummy growing again. The doctor sent me for scan which he asked me to prepare for another surgery. At exactly 9 months after the 1st surgery which was 2nd of June 2008, I had another surgery because my tummy was very large. At this time, it contained a lot of fluid and one of the ovaries was removed. I recovered, got better and started going about my business. Though the recovery was very slow, in fact, I was discharged to go home and die but God came to my aid and rescued me.
Two years later, my tummy started growing again. This time, I was devastated, I didn’t know what to do. I started praying, what could be wrong?
Then I was referred to Lagos University teaching hospital (LUTH). 1st to the gynecology sector where they ran a lot of test and called for the outcome of the specimen at the pathology of the two-last surgery. They couldn’t find any tangible thing because their query was where could the growth be? Since the womb and the ovaries where taken away. I was then referred to the surgery sector in LUTH, they too ran their own investigations and after which they did surgery on me. This time around, the bleeding was too much and they couldn’t evacuate the growth. The specimen they got was taken for Histology and Immunochemistry.
This immunochemistry couldn’t be read in 3 places in Nigeria and they had to take it abroad. The 1st two countries couldn’t read it but the 3rd country found it as most likely to be a cancer called Haemangiopericytoma /Myopericytoma. I was then posted to the oncology department of LUTH. I met the consultant and said: “most likely” and “it is” cannot have the same meaning, but she told me not to worry that everything would be fine.
I took six courses of chemotherapy at 3 weeks’ interval, after which, nothing happened because my tummy was still the size it was after surgery.
They referred me back to the surgery department and I was told I will run some test again. I told them I don’t have the money to spend again. They told me that I shouldn’t go for another surgery again home or abroad
I have been living like that since 2011, I’m still very strong going to work and doing other private business of mine.
Last year my tummy started growing, though I’m still very strong and can go out but I’m being stigmatized by the way people look at me and don’t want to associate with me. Even when I was invited to the United States for a visit, I was refused Visa. I can’t live my life the way I want. I don’t understand
I know death is inevitable for all but in this case I want to know what’s wrong with me before dying.
Thanking you in anticipation
Angela Francis-Ogboko.
Angela Azogu Francis-ogboko
Columbus, OH