Donation protected
It is with deep sorrow that we infrom you of the tragic death of MIKE MULWA NGANGI (254 SKILLSWEAR) that occured on 6/3/17 in birmingham alabama.friends and family are meeting at his residence at 4940 pinehurst circle acworth ga 30101. A fundraiser and memorial will be held at KACC church on 11th of june 2017 at 2pm at 771 elberta dr, Marietta Ga 30066.for more details contact januaries kyalo 4045524122 tony warui ndavi 6784996275 margaret ndegwa 7703123431 paul kiunyu 6785582354.
Mike is survived by daughter kyla mweni, son kyle and wife margaret munuhe who is expectant and due in 3 weeks,all in atlanta Ga.His parents and older brother are in kenya
Remember his family here and back home in your prayers
we also have a cash app so funds can be sent to brigit mugo [phone redacted] cash handle $mike254memorial
Mike is survived by daughter kyla mweni, son kyle and wife margaret munuhe who is expectant and due in 3 weeks,all in atlanta Ga.His parents and older brother are in kenya
Remember his family here and back home in your prayers
we also have a cash app so funds can be sent to brigit mugo [phone redacted] cash handle $mike254memorial
Organizer and beneficiary
Warui Ndavi
Acworth, GA
brigid mugo