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Family Of Michael Roberts Fund

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On December 4, 2017, Mike Roberts lost his life when the Misty Blue clamming boat sunk 10 miles off the coast of Nantucket. Mike left behind his wife of almost 10 years Tammy, along with her four children, Ryan, Breanne, Kalie and Kevin, which Mike thought of as his own. Mike was loved by everyone in the community but most of all by his granddaughter Aaliyah. Mike’s death has left his family with a great financial hardship. Mike went on this trip with the intention of his salary to pay for their family’s Christmas. With Mike gone, Tammy is left in a one paycheck family to run the household and cover his final expenses. Please help the Roberts family keep Mike’s memory alive by donating what you can. Bright blessings to you and your family and Happy Holidays.


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    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Erin Hedges
Fairhaven, MA

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