Milo, the cat with half a face
On the 21st of September I came across a plea for help on facebook for a cat with facial injuries. When I saw that he was half an hour away from where we live, I knew I had to go and help him. We got an address and went to see him the next morning. It didn't take us long to find him as he was sitting outside a house. That is when we noticed how severe his injuries actually were. I have never seen anything like it before.
We spoke to neighbours and got as much information as we could. Milo was approx. 5 years old and was born on the resort. He fell from a two and a half meter drop about 3 years ago and injured his face. Since Milo never got medical attention, his facial injuries got worse and worse. To the point where he lost his right eye and most of the right side of his face was missing! We new we didn't have time to spare, so we traveled out to see Milo twice or sometimes three times a day to check up on him, feed him and of course attempt to trap him. But he wasn't falling for any of it. Since he was trapped before to be neutered, he knew exactly what a trap was and stayed far away.
After 11 days we finally caught him with a big net (On the 2nd of Oct.). It was such an amazing feeling to leave the resort with Milo and not have to say goodbye for the night! We finally got him off the streets and could get him the help he deserves!
This morning we left early to travel to Valencia to a veterinary hospital that deals with patients with severe trauma. Milo is now hospitalised and tonight he received a blood transfusion. Hopefully this will make him stronger and he will be strong enough to be put under anesthesia for his CT scan. Milo needs to undergo a number of tests to see exactly what condition he is in and to rule out certain diseases and illnesses. We are praying that he is strong enough to undergo the tests soon and he gets the all clear! He is a fighter and deserves this chance. If his test results are good, he can get surgery. Please keep Milo in your thoughts and pray he is healthy and can get surgery to reconstruct the left side of his face.
Today we could the first bill from the hospital and this did not include the blood transfusion as they weren't sure if it was going to be necessary or not. The current bill is €597.70 and this will go up by the day. If you can help us by making a donation, no matter how small we would really appreciate it. Milo deserves this chance after living like this for so long and showing us he is a fighter and wants to survive.