Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Minard Family Well Fund

Spende geschützt
Those of us who work with Tina Minard here in Stoddard know her as a passionate teacher who is the last to leave each day. She is always willing to help others, and now she needs our help!The Minard family has a hand dug well where they live in Deering, that has dried up during this year's drought. They have been running a hose from a stream on their property, but with freezing temperatures this system is no longer viable. Due to a spousal injury, Mrs. Minard's teaching salary supports herself, her husband, and their two teenage daughters. 

This is our chance to come together as a community to  show Mrs. Minard how much we appreciate everything she does for us by helping her family fund the drilling of a new well. This is something that the Minard's need as soon as possible, and your help is needed.

Please celebrate this season of giving by donating what you can to help the Minard Family in their time of need!


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jacqui Cornwell
Stoddard, NH
Tina Minard

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