Publish Ministering Effectivey
I am Pastor Harvey Burnett, proud husband, and father of two. I am also the founding pastor of the New Bethel COGIC of Peoria, IL. and founder of The Dunamis Word blog.
I am seeking funds for the publication and release of my powerful and dynamic new book, "Ministering Effectively". Drawing upon nearly 30 years of ministerial service, "Ministering Effectively" is written to all people who desire a more full understanding of their faith and individual importance within the body of Christ. "Ministering Effectively" instructs believers on how to evaluate, address and overcome novel speculations and social trends, both in and outside of the church, which challenge the the veracity of our daily service and ministry to the Lord.
Funds raised during this campaign will be used expressly for the successful publication and release of this very valuable work. As an added bonus, and a way for each contributor to "pay it forward" I have made the personal commitment that 15% of all royalties from book sales will go towards funding I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council, a non-profit organization that serves and preserves the rights of victims of church related sexual abuse and clergy sexual misconduct.
Consequently, each gift to this campaign goes much further than funding book publication. Your gift directly affects countless families and future generations in various ways.
I believe the book will revolutionize the individual believer's daily walk with the Lord and call the Christian church to spiritual renewal.
January 2016, is the target date for official, final publication and release of this great work. Your timely contributions are essential to this purpose.
With innumerable thanks, your gift helps fulfill the mission of Christ by providing hope and light in a very dangerous and dark time of our existence. I would like to remind you that the eternal weight and value of your contribution cannot be understated nor will it ever be forgotten.
Thank you,
Pastor Harvey Burnett
"Ministering Effectively" ~ author