Mission Possible / Camp Fire / Emergency Shelter
Donation protected
This is a Mission to Provide Fire Victims with Emergency Shelter and Hope
On site emergency construction of yurt shelters made with lumber materials saw milled from salvaged trees at or nearby area impacted by the Camp Fire.
The final product will be a tangible, easily portable yurt shelter that will be owned by fire victims that participate in building their temporary home. Providing a hands-on experience instilling a vision leading towards a means to an end of this traumatic shift into homelessness.
Follow this link to see a slideshow of the first three weeks of this project at: campfireyurts.com/cfy
Need a yurt or want to learn how to build a yurt? Please fill out this form .
Watch the 1 minute video below to see a six hour project at Donner Pass in CA.
Mission Scenario
Handmade yurts provide a method for fast construction of easily portable shelters where fire victims can participate throughout the yurt building process. Many simple tasks can be performed by family’s and groups with a minimal level of instruction for non-complicated assembly process. Skilled carpenters are needed to help build the more complicated components, and also teach (leadership skills) and coordinate the participants / volunteers in simple tasks.
Using a portable sawmill I can mill logs from or nearby the affected area to make lumber and build temporary portable emergency shelter. I can teach and oversee the assembly of yurts on site in a timely manner. With a well organized teem of volunteers and yurt recipients a typical day would go something like this; starting in the morning making lumber, processing parts and assembling wall sections, hubs and rafters. By the end of the day numerous 16- and 20-foot diameter yurts can be ready to deliver and occupy. The wall and rafter material can be milled and assembled right away while the hub will need dry wood to build. Canvas can be sized and fitted on site. I will teach anyone interested the skills needed to replicate the process with or without store bought materials. My goal is to help fire victims provide themselves with affordable (or free with your help) emergency portable shelter that will be as safe and comfortable as possible for the winter season that is already upon us.
Below; milling sixty thousand board feet of lumber in Big Bend, CA.

Overall Scope of Mission
Please note: We are now transitioning into the second part of phase two!
Phase One:
Phase one is just a first step towards a larger scale effort to help provide emergency shelter for displaced families and individuals from the Camp Fire.
We are working with local Charity groups that are seeking an initial recipient family with access to a stable location (or not) to deliver the first yurt. I will Donate a 16 foot yurt and a new Natures Head self contained composting toilet with delivery and set-up. I will have one yurt ready to deliver and set-up December 3rd.
Phase Two:
There are two ways of implementing phase two and they can be done one at a time or at the same time.
1. One is to purchase all raw materials and start assembling where the emergency shelter refuges are located now, providing Portable Emergency Shelter from winter immediately.
Example; All materials can be store bought and delivered on location. A complete 16 foot yurt about $500. in materials. Self contained composting toilet $900. brand new. It can be set up on the ground. One day project with small work crew to build and set up. Floor materials run about $800. and take about 12 work hours (two people 6 hours). With a budget that accommodates purchase of all materials and a team of volunteers and recipients we could shelter many family's in a short period of time.
2. The best case scenario is to be able to set up a sawmill site stocked with Pine, Fir, Cedar or other suitable logs (could be delivered) where we can mill lumber, build and assemble yurts and camp in yurts all at the same location. Or near the fire victim shelter areas as appropriate for milling and assembly .
Until the second phase location can be secured and supplied with logs I am able to deliver one yurt ASAP. Once I am on site I can help assemble and train teams of volunteers/recipients and coordinate the implementation of this project.
I have enough canvas and hardware to complete a small number of yurts to begin phase two. If there is a demand for this type of portable emergency shelter additional canvas will need to be ordered and shipped, all other hardware (and lumber) can be resourced locally.
The overall size and length of the project will depend on many factors such as how many people will want this type of help verses the resources supported by volunteer Mission Teem members willing to donate their time and financial resources. Shelter locations, sawmill and construction worksite location and log resources that are readily available will play a factor in overall timing and effectiveness.
Wood floor and wood burning stove for heat in Grass Valley, CA.

Potential to Expand
Timing and financial resources will limit the amount of yurts that can be built before Christmas. I am currently looking to secure a suitable location that is safe to occupy for a “Sawmill/Work Camp”. Logs such as Pine or Fir should be readily available or delivered to the shelter/sawmill site. Contact me if you would like to participate on any level.
Yurts used as temporary portable emergency shelters can provide a timely solution as the winter season settles upon us now. There is a percentage of fire victims that will be able to procure a stable location to set up and live for an extended period of time, and others may need to relocate as necessary. The end goal is the restoration of independence and dignity to those affected with the traumatic loss from the Camp Fire. Some may end up in a yurt for many years, using this opportunity as a stepping stone towards recovery and reconciliation.
Five feet of snow at Donnor Pass, CA.
Genghis Khan's army traveled the world in yurts!
I have been building yurts over 20 years for many family's who live in them year round. All videos and photos are yurts I have built.
I am actively working with our VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) Sonora Chapter #391 who is working with the local VVA at he Camp Fire location. We are also establishing ties with locally affected area churches to coordinate this project. If you would like to be part of this team please contact me.
There is great potential to help the displaced Camp Fire victims right now. We are committed to use all funds, to the best of our ability to help as many of the Camp Fire Victims as possible. Donations and volunteers are needed, and with your help we can make this happen.
I do not have a Facebook account to be verified by this website, so please share this link with your friends!
Please Note: We are now transitioning into the second part of phase two and need continued financial support to meet the needs and requests for assistance.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ron Trout Portable Sawmill Service / Light Feet Yurts
Larry Bramblett, President VVA #391 Sonora Chapter
Camping in Big Sur, CA.

Camping at fairgrounds in Nevada City, CA.

Camping in Big Sur, CA.

More permanent set up on wood floor in Big Bend, CA.

Portable sawmill making beams in backyard of home in Woodland, CA.

Milling in Twain Harte, CA.
Please Donate Now
On site emergency construction of yurt shelters made with lumber materials saw milled from salvaged trees at or nearby area impacted by the Camp Fire.
The final product will be a tangible, easily portable yurt shelter that will be owned by fire victims that participate in building their temporary home. Providing a hands-on experience instilling a vision leading towards a means to an end of this traumatic shift into homelessness.
Follow this link to see a slideshow of the first three weeks of this project at: campfireyurts.com/cfy
Need a yurt or want to learn how to build a yurt? Please fill out this form .
Watch the 1 minute video below to see a six hour project at Donner Pass in CA.
Mission Scenario
Handmade yurts provide a method for fast construction of easily portable shelters where fire victims can participate throughout the yurt building process. Many simple tasks can be performed by family’s and groups with a minimal level of instruction for non-complicated assembly process. Skilled carpenters are needed to help build the more complicated components, and also teach (leadership skills) and coordinate the participants / volunteers in simple tasks.
Using a portable sawmill I can mill logs from or nearby the affected area to make lumber and build temporary portable emergency shelter. I can teach and oversee the assembly of yurts on site in a timely manner. With a well organized teem of volunteers and yurt recipients a typical day would go something like this; starting in the morning making lumber, processing parts and assembling wall sections, hubs and rafters. By the end of the day numerous 16- and 20-foot diameter yurts can be ready to deliver and occupy. The wall and rafter material can be milled and assembled right away while the hub will need dry wood to build. Canvas can be sized and fitted on site. I will teach anyone interested the skills needed to replicate the process with or without store bought materials. My goal is to help fire victims provide themselves with affordable (or free with your help) emergency portable shelter that will be as safe and comfortable as possible for the winter season that is already upon us.
Below; milling sixty thousand board feet of lumber in Big Bend, CA.

Overall Scope of Mission
Please note: We are now transitioning into the second part of phase two!
Phase One:
Phase one is just a first step towards a larger scale effort to help provide emergency shelter for displaced families and individuals from the Camp Fire.
We are working with local Charity groups that are seeking an initial recipient family with access to a stable location (or not) to deliver the first yurt. I will Donate a 16 foot yurt and a new Natures Head self contained composting toilet with delivery and set-up. I will have one yurt ready to deliver and set-up December 3rd.
Phase Two:
There are two ways of implementing phase two and they can be done one at a time or at the same time.
1. One is to purchase all raw materials and start assembling where the emergency shelter refuges are located now, providing Portable Emergency Shelter from winter immediately.
Example; All materials can be store bought and delivered on location. A complete 16 foot yurt about $500. in materials. Self contained composting toilet $900. brand new. It can be set up on the ground. One day project with small work crew to build and set up. Floor materials run about $800. and take about 12 work hours (two people 6 hours). With a budget that accommodates purchase of all materials and a team of volunteers and recipients we could shelter many family's in a short period of time.
2. The best case scenario is to be able to set up a sawmill site stocked with Pine, Fir, Cedar or other suitable logs (could be delivered) where we can mill lumber, build and assemble yurts and camp in yurts all at the same location. Or near the fire victim shelter areas as appropriate for milling and assembly .
Until the second phase location can be secured and supplied with logs I am able to deliver one yurt ASAP. Once I am on site I can help assemble and train teams of volunteers/recipients and coordinate the implementation of this project.
I have enough canvas and hardware to complete a small number of yurts to begin phase two. If there is a demand for this type of portable emergency shelter additional canvas will need to be ordered and shipped, all other hardware (and lumber) can be resourced locally.
The overall size and length of the project will depend on many factors such as how many people will want this type of help verses the resources supported by volunteer Mission Teem members willing to donate their time and financial resources. Shelter locations, sawmill and construction worksite location and log resources that are readily available will play a factor in overall timing and effectiveness.
Wood floor and wood burning stove for heat in Grass Valley, CA.

Potential to Expand
Timing and financial resources will limit the amount of yurts that can be built before Christmas. I am currently looking to secure a suitable location that is safe to occupy for a “Sawmill/Work Camp”. Logs such as Pine or Fir should be readily available or delivered to the shelter/sawmill site. Contact me if you would like to participate on any level.
Yurts used as temporary portable emergency shelters can provide a timely solution as the winter season settles upon us now. There is a percentage of fire victims that will be able to procure a stable location to set up and live for an extended period of time, and others may need to relocate as necessary. The end goal is the restoration of independence and dignity to those affected with the traumatic loss from the Camp Fire. Some may end up in a yurt for many years, using this opportunity as a stepping stone towards recovery and reconciliation.
Five feet of snow at Donnor Pass, CA.
Genghis Khan's army traveled the world in yurts!
I have been building yurts over 20 years for many family's who live in them year round. All videos and photos are yurts I have built.
I am actively working with our VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) Sonora Chapter #391 who is working with the local VVA at he Camp Fire location. We are also establishing ties with locally affected area churches to coordinate this project. If you would like to be part of this team please contact me.
There is great potential to help the displaced Camp Fire victims right now. We are committed to use all funds, to the best of our ability to help as many of the Camp Fire Victims as possible. Donations and volunteers are needed, and with your help we can make this happen.
I do not have a Facebook account to be verified by this website, so please share this link with your friends!
Please Note: We are now transitioning into the second part of phase two and need continued financial support to meet the needs and requests for assistance.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ron Trout Portable Sawmill Service / Light Feet Yurts
Larry Bramblett, President VVA #391 Sonora Chapter
Camping in Big Sur, CA.

Camping at fairgrounds in Nevada City, CA.

Camping in Big Sur, CA.

More permanent set up on wood floor in Big Bend, CA.

Portable sawmill making beams in backyard of home in Woodland, CA.

Milling in Twain Harte, CA.
Please Donate Now
Co-organizers (2)
Ron Trout
Twain Harte, CA
Larry Bramblett
Team member