Cassie and Molly's Law
Cassie and Molly's Law...
In December of 2014 Cassandra Kaake was murdered. Our daughter Molly, who was due to be born in less than 10 weeks, was also killed in the brutal attack against her mother.
In spite of this, there was not a single charge laid against the accused for killing our daughter Molly.
On February of 2016, Cassie and Molly's Law (Bill C-225) was presented in parliament.
It is our mission to have this bill passed and become a Canadian law that offers legal protection from violence to a pregnant women and her child when they need it most.
Part of this mission is being able to bring Cassie and Molly's story to Members of Parliament who will be the ones voting on this bill.
We ask you to please sign our petition, contact your MP, and if at all possible donate a dollar or two.
All money collected will be used for our travel expenses to Ottawa and to raise awareness for this cause in the form of promotional material and advertising.
Thank you for your continued support of this important issue.
Jeff Durham (Molly's Dad)
Nancy Kaake (Cassie's Mother/Molly's Grandma)
For more information please visit:
There is not justice for the reality of this crime:
Cassie and Molly Matter:
MP Cathay Wagantall and Cassie and Molly's Law: