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My 600lb Life Family in Need

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My 600lb Life

Many of you know that our company (Physical Therapy International) has been working with James and his fiancé (Lisa). James and Lisa moved to Houston from Kentucky to RECIEVE help and to have the LapBand surgery from the show. They currently RECIEVE no help with exception from food stamps and from our company. Many times they have had to borrow money to pay rent and to pay for food. Our company has invested about $4000.00 on a Bariatric Matress for James to reduce bed sores. We are currently looking for help from the community to purchase a Bariatric Trapeze, medical supplies, funds to assist in rent and funds for groceries. These supplies and your assistance will go to assist James and Lisa through their journey. I pray that you can help us in any manner possible. No family should move across the country to achieve their dreams of being independent with basic tasks and be left to fight on their own with empty promises when they get to their destination. Let’s Help! THANKYOU


Jordan Johnson
Richmond, TX

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