Kiarra Hand Accident In Shop Class
My name is Jake Armatage. My sister-in-law, Kiarra, is an amazing girl who dances, serves, and loves life. She brings so much joy to those around her. This morning, due to an accident in her high school shop class, she cut off her left hand. This has been a very traumatic experience for her. Because of other circumstances including Kiarra's other health problems, her parents need financial help. They live very modestly, but are going to have huge medical bills because of this accident. I'm trying to raise money to help them out. These sorts of procedures can cost over $100,000. We're hoping that insurance will cover a lot, but there a will be many expenses along the way. I'm starting off with trying to raise $50,000 for them to use toward medical bills, physical therapy, medications, and any expenses relating to her accident, as well as for their daily living expenses as needed. The beneficiary of this fund will be David Dalley Jr., Kiarra's father. I would be so grateful to anyone who is willing to donate, even $1. Thank you for helping this