My little Zita's vet bills
Please read my latest update
It's not easy for me to write about this nor is it easy for me to ask for any kind of charity, but sometimes, I guess, it's what you just have to do.
About five days ago a huge stray pitbull was wandering around my home. I was outside near my truck and my sister opened the door to tell me something. Right at that same momemt I noticed that the stray dog had wounds on it. I yelled for my sister to close the door. It was too late. The dog had already seen my Zita inside the home. It literally shoved the door open ran inside my home and immediately attacked my Zita. It locked onto the back of her neck. There was nothing my dog could do. I began to beat the dog with anything that I could get my hands on. Three of my neighbors heard my sister's screams and they ran over to help. There were three grown men beating, choking, doing anything we could to get this dog off of my little Zita. Nothing would free it's grip. After all, Zita is only 40 pounds and this pitbull was at least 80 to 90 pounds. Finally, somehow, the dog finally lost it's grip. Zita ended up having a severe puncture wound to the back of her neck.
The police were called. They arrived along with an animal control officer. They took the dog to the local Humane Society. The Animal Control Officer pointed out cut marks on the dog that were caused by a knife. Obviously this dog was abused & trained to attack and kill other dogs. I do not blame the dog. I blame the sick disgusting person who 'raised' it.
Not having any money to my name, I didn't bring her to the vet until today (Christmas Day). I also truly believed that she would be fine. I really did.
Zita didn't look well this morning. There was a ton of pus all over the wound. I applied online for an emergency pet credit card, but I was denied. My sister applied and was given $700 credit. I took Zita into the animal emergency vacility. She had to have emergency surgery performed. She had developed an extrememly bad infection all the way around the inside of her neck area. The vet had to insert 5 drainage plugs which need to be flushed for the next 3-5 days. The bill for the surgery, medication and other services came close to the $700 that my sister was approved for. But I still need to take Zita to the vet at least 3 to 5 more times and I have no idea how much it's going to be or how I'm going to pay for it.
Those of you who know me, may know that I suffer from severe clinical depression and very bad anxiety disorder. I have fought depression my entire life. The past 10 or more years my conditions have worsened much more. It may not be an excuse to some, but it's the reason I haven't been able to make any type of living. Every day is a battle just to stay alive. The two reasons I am still on this earth is because of my sister Joanne and my dog Zita. They are the only two reasons I live for. My sister Joanne, whom is disabled (which is a whole other story), lives with me. She gets a very small SSI check which has been our only income for the past several years.
My sister and I never had the chance to have children (me by choice, my sister because she physically couldn't). So Zita is literally like my daughter and Joanne's neice. we both love her more than anything in the world. When Zita was attacked, it was one of the most traumatic experiences that my sister and I have ever experienced. I really thought my little girl was going to die. I cannot even describe it in words. It was absolutely horrible. My sister and I are still both in tears ever since it happened. It's something that we, unfortunately, will never forget.
I still cannot believe that I started a gofundme page. To tell you the honest truth, I feel like a complete loser asking people for money. I would never ask for money for any other circumstance. But I have to do what I have to do. I have no other options. I have to swallow my pride and save my baby.
My sister and I both would be extremely and eternally grateful for any donations that you could spare.
Thank you,
ps...I will post pictures of Zita's surgery as soon as I can.