We are Sacred Grounds Rescue a small 501c3 Horse Rescue in Wikieup Arizona and we need your help. We began as a Horse Rescue in 2002 but realized the local problem was bigger than that so we blended to the needs of the surrounding communities and now take in all your farm/ranch type animals, goats sheep llamas cattle alpacas burros mules pigs chickens ducks the works. We do not do dogs or cats but can usually place them. In 2009 we became a non profit organization. When at capacity we have held 50 horses, 35 burros, and 200 of the smaller animals on 46 acres.
The New Year of 2016 brought the rescue bad news, our water source had dried up, we were in serious trouble. There is no public water here, people that are lucky have a well and everyone else hauls their water, like us. On Jan 14th 2016 we sent out some desperate emails and the next day Lauren Vargas of ABC News 15 literally came to our rescue. They aired our plea that evening at 6pm and again at 10pm and we watched the miracle happen. One angel named Kathleen donated $14,000 by herself!!
Brown Well Drilling started Febuary 2nd to drill a 400 foot hole, but no water appeared, at 500 ft just a very small amount, the next day after a distressing 600 and 700 ft still nothing until 750 Feet we hit the Motherload! Excellent water and lots of it!!! But we had only planned on 400 ft so the expense was HUGE although Brown Drilling did give the rescue a very welcome discount. But now with funds very short we have to find a pump company to install and get the water to the surface. Through a friend we met Prosser Well Service and they basically put in the pump and got the water to the surface for exactly what we had left, plus a small loan we had to take out. So we now have water to the surface but ironically we still have to distribute it with the water truck to each animal.
TWO YEARS LATER!!!, We still need the plumb the entire rescue and Im praying build the handicapped bathroom for our special needs kids that visit us. The only way this can happen is with your help. Tell me how to make it happen, do you have a loved one you want us to name a corral after, or maybe your in business and want a sign placed on our fenceline, maybe put sponsored by on our truck or horse trailer, whatever it takes let us know. This is what will save the rescue, it has to happen. We've even started planting tress dedicated to special sponsors. I have commited the rest of my life to taking care of these animals and have even made financial arrangements for it to continue when I'm gone. But right now we desperately need your help, please... help us save some lives.
Bobby Joe