Moving fund for Furbabies safety an
Donation protected
I have been trying to save up since right after we moved in this house last June. We moved to this house just from photos and description from someone I thought was a friend. Well she never bothered to check the area out and since moving here we found out there are Meth dealers here and have heard gun shots twice when someone shot his neighbors dog for coming in his yard and another time was a woman shooting at a young boys cat. My husband said he went outside last week and could smell something and he is sure it was Meth. I am very concerned for my 4 Dog's and have put a sheet over the part of the fence that is chain link so no one can see my dogs when they go out to go pody. It does NO good to call police because 1 neighbor told me they won't come here and I would prefer turning them in after we are gone. Our lease is up here May 31st 2016 and hopefully I can have enough money to move to different area so my dogs can run and play in their yard and maybe take them for walks where it is safe. I will continue to sell things as I can and set some aside from our SS ck and hopefully with help from any of my friends we can make it. Thank you to anyone that wishes to donate to help us and even $1.00 or $5.00 will help. 5 months and counting. Thank you everyone that reads this and if possible could you do a share for us? It would be a big help. Thanks again. Have a great 2016
Nancy Siegmeier-Huggins
Lerna, IL