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Gunner Asher Shaken Baby Syndrome

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My nephew Gunner has experienced what no child should ever be subjected to..... abuse. Abuse that's identified by the term Shaken Baby Syndrome exactly one week before Thanksgiving 2015. We have been told that he could be blind, deaf and that his paralysis on one side of his body could be permanent. He's fighting every single day to be with us. They had to cut a 3.5 diameter of his skull and placed it in his stomach to keep it alive due to the swelling in his brain.

He has made great strides some being life flighted into the hospital but he's still in very serious condition. He will need extensive rehabilitation and a special helmet to protect his brain from further damage. I'm hoping to raise the funds for my Gunner's helmet and the rehabilitation care. We can use all the help we can get and cannot thank you for any donation you may be able to make.

Any funds not used for his care WILL be donated to a cause to help other mother's and father's going thru Shaken Baby Syndrome and Awareness.  

Thank you in advance from the Asher family.


Seandee Villarreal
Rosenberg, TX

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