Homebirth Redemptive Birth (VBAC)
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Hi, my name is Heather. I am 27 years old, married to a wonderful man with a 7 year old daughter. 7 years ago I had my first daughter. I was young and naive and believed everything the doctors said, as they were suppose to know best right? Well after being induced at 39 weeks because she was measuring quite large, I labored in the hospital. Because of the induction I was unable to move which is all I wanted to do for the pain. I needed to walk. I needed to be on the birthing ball, I needed to be in the water.. but the nurses came and yelled and forced me back into bed on my back giving me strict instructions not to move as they needed to see how the baby was reacting to the pitocin. I began to wonder now what was in this drug that made them so concerned about the effect it would have on the baby and what on earth I had consented too?! I finally stayed in bed on my back in terrible back labor and even stopped breathing because of the pain. I told them I needed to be up and they refused. Then they asked me if my husband was abusive, which really annoyed me, because I'm there to have a baby not be questioned. Then they put oxygen on me and once again told me not to move. They made the whole situation very uncomfortable and there was no way I could relax then..It was miserable and I remembered thinking this was not how birth was suppose to go.. After 14 hours of this they came and told me I should just do a C section because it was the best choice I could make. I didn't want to but felt like they left me no choice, so I gave in to what they said.. She was born that evening at 6:04 PM. and was an even 8 pounds. Not at all as big as they were making it out to be.. So fast forward to now.. I am currently 9 months pregnant (yes we are that close) and I want this labor and delivery to be totally different. I want my body to experience and go into labor on its own. I don't want to be forced in one position. I want to be free to birth how my body tells me too. I want God to be involved this time. I want angels to be in awe of another image of God being birthed into the world. I want to feel my body opening up and allow it to do what God created it to do. I want the room to be saturated with worship and with the presence of God. I want my child to come into the world quietly without the hustle and bustle of doctors, nurses, and machines and the disturbance of being whisked off with all sorts of unnecessary procedures done to her.. I want this to be an uninterrupted pregnancy, an unmedicated and unintervened in pregnancy. To top it off I want to be the first to hold this beautiful new life and bond as we are suppose to do. I understand that sometimes intervention is necessary but in this case it is not.. I am having a completely normal pregnancy, my levels and hormones are great and I am considered low risk. Here's the problem. Louisiana is not natural birth friendly. I wanted a midwife but the laws tell me that it is illegal to have a homebirth after a C section, even though it has been 7 years since.. Doctors and hospitals only want to schedule another one. First of all its a money making business for them, and second of all they don't think since it worked the first time that I can succeed the second time. But here's the truth, I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! Will you come on this journey with me.. I found a great Christian midwife in Texas that I will be going to see and giving birth in her birth center. She has total confidence in me, and in the abilities that God gave us to birth. I will drive the 5 hour drive before I go in labor obviously and stay with some friends until my labor and delivery. So will you join me in redeeming my birth and having the birth I know God wants me to have? I want to experience the joy of childbirth. With all the abortions going on in this world, here is a chance to give into a moment of life, and the creation of life itself. If God lays it on your heart to give we would be honored and grateful! Be blessed! I am attaching the link to the midwife and birthing center I will be using if you would like to check it out.. https://www.born2bablessing.net/?fbclid=IwAR1K5mpZzvu7b_hQ5G13QTtYLjpwQDAj5t6VYJkn9qvuhyRSeWgb_WQZnJo
Heather Rene' Hutson
DeRidder, LA