Katie & Cassie's Nepal Mission Trip
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Then I heard the voice of the lord saying "Whom Shall I Send? And Who Will Go For Us?" And I Said "Here Am I. Send Me!"
~ Isaiah 6:8
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read what our trip is all about. For a long time this has just been an idea, a dream. But like Theodore Roosevelt's speech, commonly known as "The Man in the Arena," we are constantly learning daily to Dare Greatly: to get involved in the fight, to do things before we are ready, before we know we can do them.
Many of you may know that my good friend, Cassie Chang, lived with us as an exchange student from China. This upcoming summer I have gotten the opportunity to visit her home, to travel and experience a beautiful country and people.

Who we are and what are we doing? During our journey around the country, God has put it on our hearts to also volunteer in Nepal (for hopefully two weeks). We will be working with an orphanage called OCEAN Nepal (Link To OCEAN's Website) , assisting the children with their day to day tasks, teaching English & playing with the kids, and teaching them general life skills including health and sanitation.
We are also connecting with Reuben Rai, a local pastor who most definitely knows what it means to live by faith. Before 2007, when Nepal was still a Hindu state and outlawed Christianity, Reuben hosted churches in small rooms in Kathmandu. To this day he continues to further the kingdom of God, planting churches, orphanages, schools, and even hosting teams apart of a large mission organization called The World Race .
I have had the priviledge to talk with him and we look forward to meeting his family, serving in the church while working on various projects, and traveling to nearby villages and building friendships with the Nepali people. (Church In Nepal )

Why is it important? Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, not to mention a prime destination in which human traffickers have been known to manipulate visitors into giving to their 'cause'. I've done a lot of research to make sure we will be working with trustworthy and etihical organizations. We believe that this will be a wonderful way to gain some experience and help the community, to make a difference in a strangers life, in a child's life.
When? This summer. I will be leaving to meet Cassie near the end of May.
The cost. As working students going through college and saving just for China, we are struggling to meet the costs of our trip to Nepal. God works in wondrous ways however, and we have faith that he will provide.
The biggest cost will be transportation, including flights and travel to and from our work sites. Other costs include payment to our hosts for food and lodging.
Our fundraising goal: 1850
Flight - 1400
Transportation - 100
Food / lodging - 300
Visas - 50
Thank you so much for your support, whether it be keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, sharing this link, or donating. We are truly excited for this life experience, and so thankful for your encouragement along the way. God bless!
- Katie & Cassie :)
Here is a video that kind of shows you a little bit of Nepal-life:
And the church of Nepal:
~ Isaiah 6:8
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read what our trip is all about. For a long time this has just been an idea, a dream. But like Theodore Roosevelt's speech, commonly known as "The Man in the Arena," we are constantly learning daily to Dare Greatly: to get involved in the fight, to do things before we are ready, before we know we can do them.
Many of you may know that my good friend, Cassie Chang, lived with us as an exchange student from China. This upcoming summer I have gotten the opportunity to visit her home, to travel and experience a beautiful country and people.

Who we are and what are we doing? During our journey around the country, God has put it on our hearts to also volunteer in Nepal (for hopefully two weeks). We will be working with an orphanage called OCEAN Nepal (Link To OCEAN's Website) , assisting the children with their day to day tasks, teaching English & playing with the kids, and teaching them general life skills including health and sanitation.
We are also connecting with Reuben Rai, a local pastor who most definitely knows what it means to live by faith. Before 2007, when Nepal was still a Hindu state and outlawed Christianity, Reuben hosted churches in small rooms in Kathmandu. To this day he continues to further the kingdom of God, planting churches, orphanages, schools, and even hosting teams apart of a large mission organization called The World Race .
I have had the priviledge to talk with him and we look forward to meeting his family, serving in the church while working on various projects, and traveling to nearby villages and building friendships with the Nepali people. (Church In Nepal )

Why is it important? Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, not to mention a prime destination in which human traffickers have been known to manipulate visitors into giving to their 'cause'. I've done a lot of research to make sure we will be working with trustworthy and etihical organizations. We believe that this will be a wonderful way to gain some experience and help the community, to make a difference in a strangers life, in a child's life.
When? This summer. I will be leaving to meet Cassie near the end of May.
The cost. As working students going through college and saving just for China, we are struggling to meet the costs of our trip to Nepal. God works in wondrous ways however, and we have faith that he will provide.
The biggest cost will be transportation, including flights and travel to and from our work sites. Other costs include payment to our hosts for food and lodging.
Our fundraising goal: 1850
Flight - 1400
Transportation - 100
Food / lodging - 300
Visas - 50
Thank you so much for your support, whether it be keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, sharing this link, or donating. We are truly excited for this life experience, and so thankful for your encouragement along the way. God bless!
- Katie & Cassie :)
Here is a video that kind of shows you a little bit of Nepal-life:
And the church of Nepal:
Katie Pool
Fort Worth, TX