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New Van and Wheelchair

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Hello friends!  I'm finally ready to bite the bullet and get myself a brand new wheelchair and slightly used wheelchair van.  But I need your help!  After insurance, my end will be $2k for the chair and $18k for the van.  I'm getting a loan, but appreciate anything you can do to help offset these costs.

The wheelchair is the sweetest thing and I'm totally stoked!  It's called a ZRA and has a titanium frame.  Here's a link to the website with pictures and description of all it's wonder.  I've been in the current wheelchair for over 5 years now and it's time for a new one.  I'm upgrading to a titanium frame because of how durable and lightweight it is.  The new chair will not be as wide as the old chair and will give me a much sleeker look.

Next is the wheelchair van.  I will be getting a used 2017 Dodge Caravan SXT.  Here is a link to the van on the MobilityWorks website, the vendor who I'm purchasing the van through.  I will be getting the conversion portion of the van paid for by NH Vocational Rehabilitation .  They are a program that specifically helps disabled people gain and keep employment.  Having this van will help me get to the meetings and training sessions that I will continue to be a part of in the coming years. Having my own vehicle will give me a new lease on life!  Not only will I be able to get to more meetings, but I'll also make more social events, run my own errands, and basically have more freedom.  This is something I've wanted/needed for a few years already and now I'm ready to get on the road and make s**t happen!

Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated!  Your support will help me continue my work of helping other people in New Hampshire.  In my positions on both the FSP and WHIM teams, I help people network and find resources.  My hope is that my work also helps strengthen the individual as well as the community. I have a lot to give and hope to get out there and spread the love.  With your generosity I know I can do it!

Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 123 $
    • 7 ans
  • Keith Ammon
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
  • Carlithe Walsh
    • 20 $
    • 7 ans
  • Lane Strahan
    • 50 $
    • 7 ans
  • Cathleen Converse
    • 50 $
    • 7 ans
Je soutiens


Chris Lopez
Manchester, NH

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