Recovery house West OC
Hi my name is Zach, and I have a vision to start a recovery house in Worcester county, Maryland. Unfortunately there is not a single recovery house in all of Worcester County. Our loved ones who have the disease of addiction are struggling to recover because of the lack of help that is available in Worcester County. This vision of mine will give our kids, siblings, wives , husbands and other loved ones the ability to transition into the world in a stress free and safe environment; where the recovey process will be easier. A recovery house will teach them to become a productive member of society and to learn personal responsibility. I am unable to take out a big enough mortgage to accommodate my vision. But with help from others we can help those who suffer from this disease. Please reach into your heart to help start this vision of recovery. The lie of once an addict always an addict is dead, we do recover. I am naming the house New Beginnings because at the end of every journey is a new beginning. Thank you so much for your support. Our loved ones deserve to recover in a safe and loving environment where they can receive 24 hours of support from each other. Thank you
Disclaimer: If not enough funds are generated to purchase or make down payment on house, donors will recieve thier funds back or be donated to Worcester County Warroirs Against Opiate Addiction. It will be completely up to the donor.