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Largo Racing Formula 2 Sidecar Team

Spende geschützt
Largo Racing consists of Joe Gaunt (19) and Lizzie Quinlan (18), a boyfriend and girlfriend pairing, both of them have been racing since the age of 16. They spend every penny they earn on racing but as they only have a very small income, unfortunately they struggle to participate in as many race meetings as others. they are looking for anybody that would be interested in sponsoring them or just donating a small amount as it will go a long way and will be hugely appreciated.

Over the winter they have made many alterations to the bike and have bought many new parts and will also be getting a completely new spray job for the 2016 season.

They are planning on racing in the Derby Phoenix championships which will visit tracks such as: donington park, cadwell park, croft and mallory. If anybody has any questions or would like to message Lizzie or Joe personally then click on the links to their Facebook pages and give them a message.




Lizzie Quinlan

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