Nikola's Son-Rise program
Donation protected
My son Nikola, now 8 years old, was born with the inherited retinal distrophy and nystagmus, a visual disorder that significally reduced his vision. He was also born with the biggest heart and out-of-this-world sensitiveness.
At the age of 6 he was also diagnosed with autism. Autism is a socio-relational neurological disorder that affects more and more children. Some of the statistical data suggest that 1 in 66 children in the U.S.A is already affected. Although the parents are often given a dire prognosis that their children with autism will never be able to live a normal life, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Son-rise program ® run by the Autism Treatment Center, a worldwide teaching center providing a powerful and effective treatment for children and adults challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger's Syndrome, and other developmental difficulties, gives hope and it gives results.
The Son-rise program® here offers professional help based on a home-based program and support aimed at both, parents and their children. With their unmatched dedication its child facilitators have helped change many a no, impossible into yes, it is possible.
It is my heart's deepest wish to start this program for Nikola to help him live a better life, to help him cross the bridge and come from his own world into "our" world, to be able to have have friends, to continue going to school, to be a happier version of himself.
We would need these funds to arrange a special focus room in our home, to buy some equipment, but most of all, to attend an intensive program in Sheffield, Massachusetts in the first half of 2017, during which a group of higly motivated experts will work with him one on one and also provide me with separate 30 hours of teaching. These funds will also help buy airplane tickets.
We would appreciate any amount of gift you are able to extend to help Nikola on his way to recovery.
While he is making baby steps to overcoming his fears, and letting his incredibly gentle personality shine, I ask for your generosity and good wishes.
Help spread the word!
Moj 8-letni sin Nikola je bil rojen s hudo očesno okvaro (distrofija očesne mrežnice in spremljajoči nistagmus), zaradi katere zelo slabo vidi. Vendar pa sta mu bila ob rojstvu podarjena tudi veliko srce in izjemna rahločutnost.
Ko je bil star 6 let, je bila potrjena še diagnoza avtizma. Avtizem je nevrološka motnja, ki se kaže v najrazličnejših oblikah, v vseh primerih pa zelo otežuje vzpostavljanje socialnih stikov in uravnavanje zunajnih dražljajev. Statistični podatki kažejo, da je otrok z avtizmom vedno več. Starši velikokrat slišijo, da njihovi otroci z avtizmom nikoli ne bodo samostojni in neodvisni in da marsičesa ne bodo zmogli. Jaz, in mnogi starši, pa verjamemo v svoje otroke. Prav tako vanje verjamejo v centru za obravnavo avtizma, ki izvaja program "The Son-rise program ® " in ponuja učinkovit pristop k zdravljenju motenj avtističnega spektra. O njihovem delu si lahko preberete na tej povezavi:
Programi so zasnovani tako, da strokovno podpirajo starše in otroke, ki večino dela opravijo doma s pomočjo prostovoljcev. Izjemna predanost strokovnjakov je že marsikateri nemogoče spremenila v mogoče.
Moja srčna želja je, da bi z Nikolo začela izvajati ta program, in mu pomagala premagati ovire in zbrati pogum, da bi prestopil prag svojega sveta in vstopil v "naš" svet, da bi imel prijatelje, še naprej hodil v šolo in našel svoje mesto pod soncem.
Sredstva bi potrebovala za pripravo posebne sobe v stanovanju, nakup opreme, zlasti pa za udeležbo na intezivnem programu v ZDA, v Sheffieldu, v zvezni državi Massachusetts poleti letos, kjer bi predani in visoko usposobljeni strokovnjaki delali samo z njim, sama pa bi bil deležna vsaj 30 ur svetovanja. S rem denarjem bi si kupila tudi letalske vozovnice.
Hvaležna sva za kakršen koli prispevek, ki bo Nikoli pomagal na njegovi poti. Medtem ko z obotavljivimi koraki premaguje svoje strahove, in le nerad pokaže, kaj skriva v svoji občutljivi dušici, vas prosim, da naju podprete, med drugim tudi z dobrimi željami.
Prosim, pošljite naprej!
My son Nikola, now 8 years old, was born with the inherited retinal distrophy and nystagmus, a visual disorder that significally reduced his vision. He was also born with the biggest heart and out-of-this-world sensitiveness.
At the age of 6 he was also diagnosed with autism. Autism is a socio-relational neurological disorder that affects more and more children. Some of the statistical data suggest that 1 in 66 children in the U.S.A is already affected. Although the parents are often given a dire prognosis that their children with autism will never be able to live a normal life, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The Son-rise program ® run by the Autism Treatment Center, a worldwide teaching center providing a powerful and effective treatment for children and adults challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger's Syndrome, and other developmental difficulties, gives hope and it gives results.
The Son-rise program® here offers professional help based on a home-based program and support aimed at both, parents and their children. With their unmatched dedication its child facilitators have helped change many a no, impossible into yes, it is possible.
It is my heart's deepest wish to start this program for Nikola to help him live a better life, to help him cross the bridge and come from his own world into "our" world, to be able to have have friends, to continue going to school, to be a happier version of himself.
We would need these funds to arrange a special focus room in our home, to buy some equipment, but most of all, to attend an intensive program in Sheffield, Massachusetts in the first half of 2017, during which a group of higly motivated experts will work with him one on one and also provide me with separate 30 hours of teaching. These funds will also help buy airplane tickets.
We would appreciate any amount of gift you are able to extend to help Nikola on his way to recovery.
While he is making baby steps to overcoming his fears, and letting his incredibly gentle personality shine, I ask for your generosity and good wishes.
Help spread the word!
Moj 8-letni sin Nikola je bil rojen s hudo očesno okvaro (distrofija očesne mrežnice in spremljajoči nistagmus), zaradi katere zelo slabo vidi. Vendar pa sta mu bila ob rojstvu podarjena tudi veliko srce in izjemna rahločutnost.
Ko je bil star 6 let, je bila potrjena še diagnoza avtizma. Avtizem je nevrološka motnja, ki se kaže v najrazličnejših oblikah, v vseh primerih pa zelo otežuje vzpostavljanje socialnih stikov in uravnavanje zunajnih dražljajev. Statistični podatki kažejo, da je otrok z avtizmom vedno več. Starši velikokrat slišijo, da njihovi otroci z avtizmom nikoli ne bodo samostojni in neodvisni in da marsičesa ne bodo zmogli. Jaz, in mnogi starši, pa verjamemo v svoje otroke. Prav tako vanje verjamejo v centru za obravnavo avtizma, ki izvaja program "The Son-rise program ® " in ponuja učinkovit pristop k zdravljenju motenj avtističnega spektra. O njihovem delu si lahko preberete na tej povezavi:
Programi so zasnovani tako, da strokovno podpirajo starše in otroke, ki večino dela opravijo doma s pomočjo prostovoljcev. Izjemna predanost strokovnjakov je že marsikateri nemogoče spremenila v mogoče.
Moja srčna želja je, da bi z Nikolo začela izvajati ta program, in mu pomagala premagati ovire in zbrati pogum, da bi prestopil prag svojega sveta in vstopil v "naš" svet, da bi imel prijatelje, še naprej hodil v šolo in našel svoje mesto pod soncem.
Sredstva bi potrebovala za pripravo posebne sobe v stanovanju, nakup opreme, zlasti pa za udeležbo na intezivnem programu v ZDA, v Sheffieldu, v zvezni državi Massachusetts poleti letos, kjer bi predani in visoko usposobljeni strokovnjaki delali samo z njim, sama pa bi bil deležna vsaj 30 ur svetovanja. S rem denarjem bi si kupila tudi letalske vozovnice.
Hvaležna sva za kakršen koli prispevek, ki bo Nikoli pomagal na njegovi poti. Medtem ko z obotavljivimi koraki premaguje svoje strahove, in le nerad pokaže, kaj skriva v svoji občutljivi dušici, vas prosim, da naju podprete, med drugim tudi z dobrimi željami.
Prosim, pošljite naprej!
Darija Brinc