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NittyStrong & Pay It Forward

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We started the hashtag #NittyStrong as a way to share our son’s story of his battle with lymphoma. The idea behind NittyStrong is a reminder to face your fears or daily challenges head-on with positivity, just like Nitty would do. (Martin’s nickname). 

Feel free to tag a photo of yourself or the bracelet with #NittyStrong on Facebook or Instagram. 

As a way to spread awareness & show support, we got bracelets with the word NITTYSTRONG on them. We have been approached my so many supportive and generous people along the way, who have asked to donate/help/etc. 

We would gladly accept donations to help pay the production cost & shipping of these bracelets. 

While we anticipate excess donations, we want to share a quick story about a fellow cancer fighter who was in the hospital with us at the same time. His name is Robert.

Robert is a 15 year old high school student out of Klamath Falls. He has quite the road ahead of himself but is the nicest person you’ll ever meet, and he and his family have been great friends since our stay in the hospital. 

All excess funds will go directly toward Robert and his battle with cancer. Our family has always believed, earn and accept what you need, but pay the excess forward, because it takes a village to come together in times of need. 

You can read more about Robert on his caringbridge site:

Robert’s Story 

Thank you for your time and attention, keep fighting #NittyStrong 

Justin, Joni, and Martin (Nitty) Howe


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Justin Howe
Oregon, OR

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt