Nourishing the Lower Keys
UPDATE 01/13/18: There has been awave of new arrivals—yes, for somenithas taken this long to get back. People just arriving, just beginning. These, and their neighbors who know us already, are the people we are so glad to bring delicious food to.
UPDATE 1/3/18: It has been over 100 days since Irma hit the Lower Keys. Key West is back up and running, fortunately, but less than 20 miles north, it's a different story. Many homes are completely destroyed (in some neighborhoods, up to 80%). People live with countless uncertainties about the future. They crash with friends, sleep in tents, share appliances and grills, and every day face surroundings that are as hard on their spirits as on their bodies. Roads are still piled with debris and garbage. Canals once used for swimming and boating are chock full of garbage and sludge. In the midst of this, people try to get back to work, to fight for insurance, to wait for repairmen and roofers. They feel forgotten about and, largely, they are. Healthy meals, lovingly prepared and handed out by someone who has followed the stories, day by day, makes all the difference for some. Food is our most basic energy, and people of the Lower Keys need it more than ever as the days drag on and progress moves slowly. Please keep helping!
ORIGINAL POST: With baited breath, I waited on word from my close friend Margit as she prepared, weathered the storm, and returned to her beloved home in the Florida Keys.
From Sugarloaf to Big Pine, homes and properties were completely destroyed as the eye of Irma passed over the lower keys. The residents are primarily homeless. Volunteers have arrived to help with the recovery, but there are very few places to get (let alone prepare) food.
In some cases, there are donations (canned tuna, stewed tomatoes etc.) but no can openers or way to prepare what donations they do have. Margit is coordinating food preparation and deliveries to residents and volunteers.
Please consider a donation to help feed those who are helping with the recovery efforts.
For GoFundMe, I'm asked to provide the following:
My name: Sally Payze
Relationship to recipient: A treasured friend since high school!
Where I live: Virginia
How the money will be spent: Purchasing items associated with preparing and delivering food to the residents and volunteers in the Lower Keys impacted by Hurricane Irma. When restaurants/catering companies open, these funds may be spent on food from these companies to feed those involved in the recovery efforts.
There is no internet connectivity where Margit is now so we're communicating by phone or FB when she travels to an area with connectivity. Margit is the direct recipient of funds and she can deposit the funds into her bank account for easy access.