Justice for Danney WIlliams
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GoFundMe Danney Williams
Hello, my name is Steven Gray. Thank you for viewing this post, which I have written on the behalf of my best friend Danney Lee Williams the indisputable abandoned son of the former 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.
Danney and I, his family, and the greater majority of the Arkansas community knows this to be a fact; and for decades, his mother and both his aunts have spoken about the circumstances of his birth. I’ve known Danney for quite some time, and I have witnessed firsthand how the connection to his father has created a great amount of adversity in his everyday life. In an effort to help Danney seek justice, and prove once and for all that Bill Clinton is his father, I have started this GOFUND ME with Danney’s approval.
In 1985, Danney’s mother, Bobbie Anne Williams, was a single mother raising two boys; and during this difficult and dark time in her life, she would occasionally solicit herself to make ends meet for her family. However, due to his extreme generosity, Governor Bill Clinton became her primary suitor. Danney’s mother, to this very day, insists that President Clinton is Danney’s father because he was the only caucasian male she had relations with during the time Danney was conceived.
According to both Danney’s mother and the aunt that raised him, while President Clinton was governor he surreptitiously sent money at the beginning of each month, as well as having Arkansas State Troopers drop off Christmas presents for Danney during the holiday season.
Then there is the stunning physical resemblance between Danney and President Clinton. The eyes, nose, chin, and cheeks, strongly suggest a strong biological connection between Danney and President Clinton.
Danney’s entire life has been a search for the truth about his own identity. For years he has written letters and sent emails to President Bill Clinton, and has yet to receive a response. When Danney contacted Bill through his Facebook page he was blocked.
Danney Williams has been a victim of the Clinton’s political machine. In 1999 the Star tabloid announced the results of a DNA test between Danney Williams and Bill Clinton, but ultimately never ran the story. The Star’s editor announced publicly that the test had proven that President Clinton was not Danney’s father. Although, in fact the Star Tabloid admitted that they never had a DNA sample for Bill Clinton, they relied heavily on a DNA data included in special counsel Ken Starr impeachment report.
The problem is that the Star report only included data from one of the two laboratory test that are required to be conducted in order to establish paternity. Therefore, in actuality the test results were inconclusive. Conveniently for the Clintons, that did not stop the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and Time magazine from quoting the fabricated conclusion, that Bill had been proven not to be Danney’s father.
Taking into account all of the facts, one could plausibly infer that a conflict of interest existed, due to the fact that Star Tabloid was owned by Roger Charles Altman, a close friend of President Clinton. Altman and President Clinton both attended the Georgetown University in the 1960’s where they became friends. When Bill Clinton became president in 1993, he helped his good friend Altman become the U.S Deputy Secretary of Treasury. In 1994, Roger Altman resigned as Deputy Secretary when it was found that he misled lawmakers during the investigation against the Clintons in the Whitewater Scandal.1
In 1995, Altman went back to work in the private sector and cofounded Evercore, an independent investment firm. Altman’s firm purchased Star Tabloid in 1999, which is the same year he reached out to his good friend, President Clinton’s, illegitimate son’s guardian to conduct a DNA test.2
President Clinton had too much to lose due to the fact that his career and legacy had previously been heavily damaged in the 1997 Monica Lewinsky case. If it was proven that Danney was President Clinton’s abandon black son it would have tarnished his legacy, especially since he championed and signed the Deadbeat Parent Punishment Act in 1998.3
It’s a huge coincidence that the Star Magazine false DNA test story came out the same year Hillary Clinton ran for New York State Senate in 1999. Danney story was swept under the rug by the false DNA test story, and Hillary Clinton won U.S Senate of New York in 2000.
Today, it is time for me to help my good friend, Danney Williams, get the justice he deserves. Every person deserves to know who their father is and to have the love and guidance that only a father can provide. Danney has five children of his own and he works two jobs to provide for his family.
I was there when Danney said “If and when a DNA test proves that President Clinton is my father…I just want to meet him and shake his hand. I want him to meet his grandchildren, and I would like them to meet their grandfather…That is all I seek.”
On October 12th, 2016 I was right by Danney’s side when he called on President Clinton to voluntarily submit a verified sample of DNA to match with a sample of his own. Due to President Clinton’s failure to respond, Danney and his family has decided to file a paternity suit in the state of Arkansas to get a judge to compel President Clinton to provide an accurate DNA sample.
Needless to say, Danney nor his family are wealthy. They are facing a long drawn out legal battle where the Clinton’s will use the most expensive and high powered lawyers in their attempt to crush Danney in court.
The cost associated with obtaining legal representation could cost thousands of dollars on the low end, due to the projected lengthy legal proceeding. The Williams family simply does not have that kind of money. We need your immediate help to file the strongest possible lawsuit. Our lawyers have no illusions about how difficult it will be to fight a former president of the United States in court as well as in the court of public opinion where the Clinton’s and their machine have lied for years about Danney Williams, who he is, and where he came from.
Additionally, we believe it is vitally important to spread the word about the true story of Danney Lee Williams, and to keep the pressure on Bill and Hillary Clinton to do the right thing. Incredibly over 5 million people have learned about the story of Danney Williams in the last two weeks.
We must start off by raising a total of $20,000 plus an additonal 10% to offset GoFundMe's 5% fee from each donation I receive plus WePay's fee is 2.9% + $0.30 per donation. Will you send your maximum contribution today? Funds will be used for legal representation and a modest social media campaign to keep the American people informed about the facts in this case and ongoing struggle for justice for Danney Williams.
Perhaps Danney Williams said it best himself, “This is not about politics or money. For me it is about finding the truth and understanding, finally, who I am and where I came from.”
It’s very hard to understand why Bill and Hillary Clinton wouldn’t want to acknowledge Danney. The Clinton’s say all the time “Black Lives Matter”, but what about Danney Williams black life? Please send your maximum contribution so that we can file the strongest possible lawsuit to establish paternity in the case of Danney Williams.
Link to Danney's Personal Testimoney of his story
Thank you for taking the time to read Justice for Danney WIlliams, I hope you will be moved to contribute today.
Steven Gray
Sources are below
(1) New York Times. (1994). Altman Resigns His Post Amid Whitewater Clamor Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from http://www.nytimes.com/1994/08/18/us/altman-resigns-his-post-amid-whitewater-clamor.html
(2) Business Wire. (1999). Evercore Capital Partners and David Pecker Announce Agreement to Acquire American Media Inc. Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Evercore+Capital+Partners+and+David+Pecker+Announce+Agreement+to...-a053890616
(3) All Politics CNN. (1998). Clinton Signs Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/06/24/deadbeat.parents.bill/
Hello, my name is Steven Gray. Thank you for viewing this post, which I have written on the behalf of my best friend Danney Lee Williams the indisputable abandoned son of the former 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.
Danney and I, his family, and the greater majority of the Arkansas community knows this to be a fact; and for decades, his mother and both his aunts have spoken about the circumstances of his birth. I’ve known Danney for quite some time, and I have witnessed firsthand how the connection to his father has created a great amount of adversity in his everyday life. In an effort to help Danney seek justice, and prove once and for all that Bill Clinton is his father, I have started this GOFUND ME with Danney’s approval.
In 1985, Danney’s mother, Bobbie Anne Williams, was a single mother raising two boys; and during this difficult and dark time in her life, she would occasionally solicit herself to make ends meet for her family. However, due to his extreme generosity, Governor Bill Clinton became her primary suitor. Danney’s mother, to this very day, insists that President Clinton is Danney’s father because he was the only caucasian male she had relations with during the time Danney was conceived.
According to both Danney’s mother and the aunt that raised him, while President Clinton was governor he surreptitiously sent money at the beginning of each month, as well as having Arkansas State Troopers drop off Christmas presents for Danney during the holiday season.
Then there is the stunning physical resemblance between Danney and President Clinton. The eyes, nose, chin, and cheeks, strongly suggest a strong biological connection between Danney and President Clinton.
Danney’s entire life has been a search for the truth about his own identity. For years he has written letters and sent emails to President Bill Clinton, and has yet to receive a response. When Danney contacted Bill through his Facebook page he was blocked.
Danney Williams has been a victim of the Clinton’s political machine. In 1999 the Star tabloid announced the results of a DNA test between Danney Williams and Bill Clinton, but ultimately never ran the story. The Star’s editor announced publicly that the test had proven that President Clinton was not Danney’s father. Although, in fact the Star Tabloid admitted that they never had a DNA sample for Bill Clinton, they relied heavily on a DNA data included in special counsel Ken Starr impeachment report.
The problem is that the Star report only included data from one of the two laboratory test that are required to be conducted in order to establish paternity. Therefore, in actuality the test results were inconclusive. Conveniently for the Clintons, that did not stop the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and Time magazine from quoting the fabricated conclusion, that Bill had been proven not to be Danney’s father.
Taking into account all of the facts, one could plausibly infer that a conflict of interest existed, due to the fact that Star Tabloid was owned by Roger Charles Altman, a close friend of President Clinton. Altman and President Clinton both attended the Georgetown University in the 1960’s where they became friends. When Bill Clinton became president in 1993, he helped his good friend Altman become the U.S Deputy Secretary of Treasury. In 1994, Roger Altman resigned as Deputy Secretary when it was found that he misled lawmakers during the investigation against the Clintons in the Whitewater Scandal.1
In 1995, Altman went back to work in the private sector and cofounded Evercore, an independent investment firm. Altman’s firm purchased Star Tabloid in 1999, which is the same year he reached out to his good friend, President Clinton’s, illegitimate son’s guardian to conduct a DNA test.2
President Clinton had too much to lose due to the fact that his career and legacy had previously been heavily damaged in the 1997 Monica Lewinsky case. If it was proven that Danney was President Clinton’s abandon black son it would have tarnished his legacy, especially since he championed and signed the Deadbeat Parent Punishment Act in 1998.3
It’s a huge coincidence that the Star Magazine false DNA test story came out the same year Hillary Clinton ran for New York State Senate in 1999. Danney story was swept under the rug by the false DNA test story, and Hillary Clinton won U.S Senate of New York in 2000.
Today, it is time for me to help my good friend, Danney Williams, get the justice he deserves. Every person deserves to know who their father is and to have the love and guidance that only a father can provide. Danney has five children of his own and he works two jobs to provide for his family.
I was there when Danney said “If and when a DNA test proves that President Clinton is my father…I just want to meet him and shake his hand. I want him to meet his grandchildren, and I would like them to meet their grandfather…That is all I seek.”
On October 12th, 2016 I was right by Danney’s side when he called on President Clinton to voluntarily submit a verified sample of DNA to match with a sample of his own. Due to President Clinton’s failure to respond, Danney and his family has decided to file a paternity suit in the state of Arkansas to get a judge to compel President Clinton to provide an accurate DNA sample.
Needless to say, Danney nor his family are wealthy. They are facing a long drawn out legal battle where the Clinton’s will use the most expensive and high powered lawyers in their attempt to crush Danney in court.
The cost associated with obtaining legal representation could cost thousands of dollars on the low end, due to the projected lengthy legal proceeding. The Williams family simply does not have that kind of money. We need your immediate help to file the strongest possible lawsuit. Our lawyers have no illusions about how difficult it will be to fight a former president of the United States in court as well as in the court of public opinion where the Clinton’s and their machine have lied for years about Danney Williams, who he is, and where he came from.
Additionally, we believe it is vitally important to spread the word about the true story of Danney Lee Williams, and to keep the pressure on Bill and Hillary Clinton to do the right thing. Incredibly over 5 million people have learned about the story of Danney Williams in the last two weeks.
We must start off by raising a total of $20,000 plus an additonal 10% to offset GoFundMe's 5% fee from each donation I receive plus WePay's fee is 2.9% + $0.30 per donation. Will you send your maximum contribution today? Funds will be used for legal representation and a modest social media campaign to keep the American people informed about the facts in this case and ongoing struggle for justice for Danney Williams.
Perhaps Danney Williams said it best himself, “This is not about politics or money. For me it is about finding the truth and understanding, finally, who I am and where I came from.”
It’s very hard to understand why Bill and Hillary Clinton wouldn’t want to acknowledge Danney. The Clinton’s say all the time “Black Lives Matter”, but what about Danney Williams black life? Please send your maximum contribution so that we can file the strongest possible lawsuit to establish paternity in the case of Danney Williams.
Link to Danney's Personal Testimoney of his story
Thank you for taking the time to read Justice for Danney WIlliams, I hope you will be moved to contribute today.
Steven Gray
Sources are below
(1) New York Times. (1994). Altman Resigns His Post Amid Whitewater Clamor Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from http://www.nytimes.com/1994/08/18/us/altman-resigns-his-post-amid-whitewater-clamor.html
(2) Business Wire. (1999). Evercore Capital Partners and David Pecker Announce Agreement to Acquire American Media Inc. Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Evercore+Capital+Partners+and+David+Pecker+Announce+Agreement+to...-a053890616
(3) All Politics CNN. (1998). Clinton Signs Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. Retrieved on October 20, 2016 from http://edition.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1998/06/24/deadbeat.parents.bill/
Steven Gray
Little Rock, AR