Oakland Warehouse Survivor- Jose
Our dear friend and family member, Jose Avalos, was living in an artists' loft warehouse building when a fire broke out on Friday, December 2nd, during a party on the second floor of the building. He was downstairs at the time and was able to make it out with just his two dogs, but had to leave behind all of his belongings including his cell phone, wallet, clothing, work tools for cabinet installation and art supplies. At least 9 of his friends were killed in the fire and he is very distraught.
Here is a link to the Wall Street Journal describing Jose's escape
Here is a link to the CNN article and a video with details about the event.
Our family would like to raise funds to help Jose get back on his feet, to help him purchase new work tools, food, clothing, and find a new place to live until he can get back on his feet.
It would mean a lot to us and Jose if you would be kind enough to give a donation, of any size. We would be very grateful for your help.
Here is some additional information requested by Gofundme.com about the person who created the page:
1. Who you are: Carolyn Amador, wife and mother of one girl.
2. Where you're from: I am from Lakewood, CA
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for: My sister, Madelaine Rain's boyfriend is Jose Avalos. She is going to go to Oakland to help him out, so I helped her by preparing this page. We have known Jose for over 10 years and he has been a close friend of the family.
4. How the funds will be spent: To help him purchase new work tools, food, clothing, toiletries, and find a new place to live until he can get back on his feet (rent funds).
5. How you intend to get the funds to those in need
Update: Funds are going directly to Jose Avalos' bank account.