Send Obbie to the DNC!
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My name is Obbie King, and I am a life-long campaigner for social justice, economic fairness and ecological sustainability.
I was recently elected to represent the Bernie Sanders supporters of my congressional district (Wisconsin's 3rd District) as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this July.
Unfortunately, convention delegates are not paid for their service, and we are "on our own" to cover expenses related to attending/serving at this convention. Lodging alone will cost $400/night for five nights, in addition to transportation costs in getting there and back. (We are told that we "don't have to worry about paying for food".)
This makes it difficult for low-income people to be effectively represented, even though we represent a large and growing proportion of the electorate. As a member of the "low-income caucus" (I just made that up... if such a caucus doesn't exist, it should), my wife and I can live for two months on what it will cost for us to attend the DNC.
So we're hoping that our friends and family can help to cushion the impact of this expense. Our room will cost $2000 ($400/night for 5 nights), and we estimate that round-trip travel from La Crosse to Philadelphia will be about $1000 for both of us (hoping that Amtrak fares will be forgiving).
Grovelling for money is the part of the "political process" that I find most distasteful. But I sincerely believe that we cannot afford to NOT have voices like mine represented at the DNC, so I am swallowing my pride to make this humble request.
In the spirit of Bernie's campaign, if 100 of my friends each donate $30 to this GoFundMe campaign, then the expense will be covered. (Of course, if you can afford more...) See this as a political dontation to strengthen Bernie's voice at the DNC. Any funds raised in excess of my goal will be shared with the three other Bernie delegates from my district.
I will be eternally grateful for any financial support that comes from this, just as I am grateful for the votes of the 3rd CD delegates who elected me to this role. I promise to be a loud, articulate and persistent voice for the issues represented by the movement behind Bernie's campaign, especially those related to diminishing the power of Big Money in politics and in American life in general.
I plan to "give back" by reporting on my convention experiences thru my blog at blog.purplearth.net. I am also willing to speak to groups in the La Crosse area on the issues raised by the Bernie Sanders campaign, and how a major party convention looks from the inside.
Thank you again for your attention and your support.
I was recently elected to represent the Bernie Sanders supporters of my congressional district (Wisconsin's 3rd District) as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this July.
Unfortunately, convention delegates are not paid for their service, and we are "on our own" to cover expenses related to attending/serving at this convention. Lodging alone will cost $400/night for five nights, in addition to transportation costs in getting there and back. (We are told that we "don't have to worry about paying for food".)
This makes it difficult for low-income people to be effectively represented, even though we represent a large and growing proportion of the electorate. As a member of the "low-income caucus" (I just made that up... if such a caucus doesn't exist, it should), my wife and I can live for two months on what it will cost for us to attend the DNC.
So we're hoping that our friends and family can help to cushion the impact of this expense. Our room will cost $2000 ($400/night for 5 nights), and we estimate that round-trip travel from La Crosse to Philadelphia will be about $1000 for both of us (hoping that Amtrak fares will be forgiving).
Grovelling for money is the part of the "political process" that I find most distasteful. But I sincerely believe that we cannot afford to NOT have voices like mine represented at the DNC, so I am swallowing my pride to make this humble request.
In the spirit of Bernie's campaign, if 100 of my friends each donate $30 to this GoFundMe campaign, then the expense will be covered. (Of course, if you can afford more...) See this as a political dontation to strengthen Bernie's voice at the DNC. Any funds raised in excess of my goal will be shared with the three other Bernie delegates from my district.
I will be eternally grateful for any financial support that comes from this, just as I am grateful for the votes of the 3rd CD delegates who elected me to this role. I promise to be a loud, articulate and persistent voice for the issues represented by the movement behind Bernie's campaign, especially those related to diminishing the power of Big Money in politics and in American life in general.
I plan to "give back" by reporting on my convention experiences thru my blog at blog.purplearth.net. I am also willing to speak to groups in the La Crosse area on the issues raised by the Bernie Sanders campaign, and how a major party convention looks from the inside.
Thank you again for your attention and your support.
Obbie King
La Crosse, WI